Not every story has a Happy Ending

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Authors Note

Before you read I should tell you this is a flashback chapter telling you how Jaune arrived in Germany anyways enjoy

Beacon was in chaos, and Jaune couldn't shake off the weight of responsibility that seemed to bear down on him. He knew he wasn't the epitome of heroism, but he had been making progress. Diligently training day and night, he strived to better himself with Pyrrha's guidance. During the Breach, when Ren was injured by the Deathstalker, Jaune discovered his semblance. It allowed him to heal Ren and even enhance the auras and semblances of others by sharing his own.

While he wasn't directly responsible for the Grimm attacks, the rebellion of the Atlesian robots, or the emergence of the colossal dragon Grimm, Jaune couldn't help but feel guilty for not fully understanding Pyrrha's distress. Perhaps he had said the wrong thing, unintentionally worsening her state of mind. Ruby insisted that what happened wasn't Pyrrha's fault, and Jaune agreed. Pyrrha couldn't have known that Penny was a robot and didn't intend any harm. But would things have unfolded differently if Jaune had known the right words to say?

Regardless, he knew he was to blame for what transpired beneath the tunnels. Confused and perplexed by Ozpin's actions, which seemed like something out of a deranged scientist's lab, Jaune had been assigned to guard the entrance. He had failed in his duty, leading to the death of another girl and Cinder gaining even more power. She appeared stronger than ever, prompting Ozpin to order them to retreat.

Although it stung, Jaune understood the importance of fulfilling Professor Ozpin's mission. "I must have Glynda's contact somewhere in here," Jaune muttered to himself, unlocking his scroll. Turning to Pyrrha, he inquired, "Pyrrha, can you explain what just happened?"

Before she could respond, they witnessed Cinder ascending to the top of the tower, with no sign of Ozpin nearby engaging her in combat. "But, Ozpin..." Ozpin was renowned as one of the greatest Huntsmen of all time and the youngest headmaster in history. If even he couldn't defeat Cinder, what chance did anyone else have?

Pyrrha's face grew even graver as she turned to Jaune and uttered, "There's no time. Get to Vale and find help."

"Pyrrha..." Jaune sensed the determination in her voice and saw her gaze shift back to the Tower. She was planning to go back.

To confront that monstrous enemy.

To face her own demise.

He knew Pyrrha well. Kind, caring, selfless to a fault, and as stubborn as an Ursa. Arguing would be futile and a waste of breath for both of them. Defying her would only drive his overprotective partner to take drastic action. Instead, Jaune calculated the distance six paces behind and did something unexpected.

He stepped forward, surprising her as she tensed, anticipating his intervention. Embracing her, he enveloped Pyrrha in his arms, spinning around. Her initial stiffness transformed into relaxation as she melted into the comfort of her trusted partner's embrace. When she looked up at him, her face flushed with embarrassment from the sudden contact, her steely resolve momentarily faltered. Seizing the opportunity, he released the hug, gripping her shoulders and leaning down to whisper in her ear, "I trust you to call for help, Pyr."

Confusion replaced her features as he pushed her firmly, causing her to stumble backward until her back met the cold metal. Jaune didn't allow her time to protest or question his actions. Swiftly, he closed the rocket locker's door and activated it to home in on Ruby's scroll signal. Through the narrow slits of the locker, he observed Pyrrha's widening eyes, realization dawning on her, followed by anger as her clenched fist revealed her frustration. A black aura started to manifest around the locker and Jaune's armor, and she shouted, "Jaune-"

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