Part 6

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Allison's POV

Once we had gotten to the great hall I saw Luna in the distance skipping down the corridor but with no shoes, she approached me and Molly "hey guys how are you today?"

"I'm good thanks, we'll better now that I'm not being dragged here by Alli." Molly said glaring down at me. "If you don't mind me asking Luna where are your shoes?" "Oh the nargles took them while I was in the shower this morning"

"Oh that's strange do they always do stuff like that?" I ask cause why would they take shoes? "Yeah it's always my shoes, I'm often borrowing shoes from my dorm mate or Molly" she says looking right at me.

"Umm well after breakfast if you want I can lend you a pair of shoes, I don't really wear them" Luna looks unsure about my offer. "Sure that would be great Thankyou Alli" . "No problem"

The boys walked up to us, but were behind us still why won't they stand beside me and Molly who knows. "Hey Luna" I heard a voice from the back of the group I turn to see that it's MR Zabini.

"Hello Blaise, how are you today". Luna asks I swear there's a slight tint of pink on her cheeks. "I'm good, Luna do you want to sit with us for Breakfast?" "That would be nice Thankyou."

Honesty as cute as this is I need breakfast I will no joke eat Molly if I have to, so I pardon myself to leave.

"As cute as this is and all but I'm going to go into the great hall for breakfast anyone want to join me?" I say turning to look at the boys apart from when I turn around there is someone standing right behind me.

I look up to see Mr Riddle so it's fine. "Uh sorry about that, anyway I'm getting food" so I walk into the great hall, I don't even think anyone is behind me or with me.

I sit down and grab a piece of toast and spread some strawberry jam on it, and bite into it. When I'm done eating it still no one has come into the hall, so I turn around and start to walk back to the door but I bump into someone.

"I am so sorry, I didn't see you there" I look up to see someone familiar Theodore Nott. "Hey Evergreen how are you doing" I'm pretty sure he can see how shocked I am, so he hugs me.

"I-I'm good how are you? Why weren't you on the train and why haven't I seen you?" "Woah love the it's great to see you even though I haven't seen you in almost a year" he chuckles before continuing.

" I'm good, I wasn't on the train cause the last week of school back last year I may or may not have gotten into a fight with someone and put them in hospital, so my punishment was late arrival which honestly I didn't mind but I feel like they are going to make me have tutoring cause of my grades. And no one else knows that I'm here i wanted to surprise them at breakfast but I don't know where they are."

"Oh well then they are outside cause Blaise and Luna a flirting, but I wanted to eat so I asked if anyone wanted to join me but they didn't so I came in here, then I realised they still hadn't come in so that's when I bumped into you. So here we are"

"Well then let's surprise them together then, I haven't seen my friends in 2 months so I think they will like this surprise". Yes finally something a little interesting.

"Ok then let's go" and as soon as I say that he links my arm. "Well I told them back last year after Christmas break that I had a crush on someone, so will you miss Allison Evergreen be my fake girlfriend for less then 5 minutes."

You know what I'm bored what's the worse that can happen, my brother and him having a fight.... Ok so yeah that's the worse that can happen but hopefully they will be to happy to see him to even think about what I said.

"Sure let's go 'boyfriend'." So we make our ways to the doors still linked in each others arms.

Theodore POV

When I realised it was her, my oh my has she changed when I last saw her she had blond hair and her face she doesn't look recognisable.

We have our arms linked and she opens the door and walks out. Without me. Of course she has already forgot about our plan. I can hear talking on the other side of the door.

"Well thanks for leaving me to eat alone" Alli says clearly pissed. "Well you walked away before any of us had the chance to reply" of course she is in an argument with her brother.

"Anyway cause I sat there alone a boy came up to me and started talking to me, telling me how pretty I am and that we should go on a date sometime" ok now this makes sense im the boy they are all going to get pissed at "thanks Alli thanks" I say under my breath.

"Why were you talking to a boy and who is this boy anyway, what's his name, his house, age, and who are his friends?" Wow he is overprotective much.

"Why does any of that matter, he is a nice guy from what I can tell" "because a lot of guys around here are asses and we don't want you to get heartbroken" Enzo cuts in. My long term husband of 3 years.

"But he is nice and i actually want you to meet him" she says I can tell she is smirking I'm either about to get my ass kicked or I'm going to be hugged to death by Molly and Enzo.

With that Mattheo speaks "we will be able to tell if he is nice or if he is an ass like your brother says" wow he speaks to her. They all sound overprotective of her like very.

As soon as he says that she knocks on the door letting me know to come out so I do.

I open the gigantic Wooden door and make sure my back is turned to all of them, I shut the door and keep my back turned around just so they don't realise who I am.

"Well turn around" I ignore Jake.

"Turn around please" I ignore Enzo.

"Mate fucking turn around already" I ignore Mattheo, oh how I'm going to regret that.

"You could stop being a fucking dick and just turn around" now Draco's getting involved.

I think Alli realises I'm not going to turn around without her telling me to, so she does.

"Babe it's alright they aren't going to hurt you" she says with her fucking innocent voice on.

I say while turning around "alright love" and then I hear 2 screams. 1 from Molly and the other from my husband.

Alli takes a step away while everyone rushes over to me, and I'm bombarded with questions. I answer all of them and then Jake turns to me.

"I was genuinely going to fucking punch you when she called you babe" he said laughing. Yeah he thought it was funny that I was going to have a broken nose. I love my mates so much.

"Well she has always called me babe and I've always called her love so that was a give away" i say laughing and slowly edging towards Alli cause her brother is scaring me. I don't care if he is my mate he can be fucking scary sometimes.

Allison's POV

I notice that Theo is slowing walking to me while my brother is talking to him so I link my arm with his so he doesn't have to worry.

He turns to me and mouths 'Thankyou' to me, I smile and nods.

After all the commotion dies down Enzo heads towards us and slaps Theo across the face.

"What the bloody hell was that for" Theo said rubbing his face.
"That's for not owling me once during the summer and this.." Theo gets slapped again but on the other cheek. "This is for not telling me that you were here" then Enzo walks away with Theo following.

In the distance I can hear "but hubby i wanted to surprise you" "well I don't care you hurt my feelings cause you never owled me" " but I was in France and if you look in your dorm on your bed you will find a baguette" then I could hear anything.

We all started walking to the common room together but I was in-front and leading us, I still don't know my way around the school so I took the hallway. I turned back to see no one behind me "I'm lost great" I say underneath my breath.

1516 words

I think I'm going to make the chapters this length ish for now on.

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