First day of school

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>Charlie's POV

Yes, I know I wasn't supposed to be here, those people don't even actually exist.

But, honestly, this book is basically my therapy, I put my own problems in other characters and mix it up with other things so it isn't noticeable.

I don't have many friends in real life, so pretending I have friends in here makes it better, at least I think so.

Anyway, today is my first day in Hawkins High, and I have no idea what is coming.

I also decided to relive Jason for plot purposes.

I heard someone yell from behind me as I entered the school.
When I turned around, it was Dustin.

"Hey! I'm glad to finally meet you."
I smiled at him.

"Me too! The others are super excited to finally see you, come on!"
Dustin dragged me around the halls.

"Hi Charlie!"
El said as we approached the group.

"Hey guys."
I smiled at them.

I also noticed Max wasn't here, which I had an idea why, but I can't fully control the characters.

"Where's Max?"
I asked.

"She said she'd be in the bathroom."
Will responded.

I looked around, nobody seemed to remember how sad she was just a few days ago.
How can they just simply forget about it so fast?

"Oh.. Ok, I have to use the bathroom too, I'll be back."
I told them.

I walked around the halls, completely lost. Guess I didn't have a full view of the school just by watching it on Netflix.

I saw a door saying "counselor" so I guessed I'd be in the bathroom if I turned around the hall.

I went through the bathroom door and saw Max looking at the mirror, putting her hands on the sink while she held a pill bottle with her right hand.

I hesitated.

"Oh! C-Charlie! Hey. Uhh- Please don't tell anyone about this, principally El, she'll worry a lot..."
Max trailed off anxiously.

"Max, they have every right to be worried. Are you still having headaches?"
I asked her.

"Kind of. But it's mostly because I can't sleep. I stay with Evan all night to help with his nightmares and- I don't know.."
She explained.

I didn't know what to do, so I just went up to her and hugged her.

That's when I remembered how much I hate hugs. But I did it anyway because it seemed to work in some way.

"Thank you."
Max said quietly as she had her head in my neck.
She's shorter than I thought she would be, judging by watching the show.
But again, I'm really damn tall.

I had to change my height a bit, because I'm really younger than the characters. So just pretend I'm around Mike's height since it's most likely I'll be as tall as him.

After a while, I heard the bell ring. Both me and Max fliched.

"Loud noises suck. Anyway, come on, we have to get to class."
I said.

"Ok then."
Max said, wiping her tears as she had stopped crying.

"Max! Where were you two? I was so worried!"
El said, putting her hands over Max's shoulder and checking her face for- I don't know what for.

"I'm fine, don't worry Ellie."
Max smiled lightly.

Those two have something going on.
Trust me, I'm the one writing this shit.

"Good. Just tell me if anything happens."
El smiled back.

I wish someone cared for me as much as they care for each other.

There are some people, of course. My mom, my dad, my best friend...
But they don't usually show it like this, which actually hurts a lot.

Yes, Charlotte is me, so I'm gonna start venting through her, sorry if it's bothering you guys.

"Charls? You ok?"
El asked.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?"
I raised a brow.

"You were just staring into space."
Max said.

"Oh. It's nothing, I'm just scared of how school will be like."
I said, which is true.

We took seats, and it was Science class.

I like Science, but it depends on what subject we'll learn.

I just stayed there and tried to focus on the lesson, which was hard as fuck because something always seemed to call my attention.

It didn't even need to be something big, but I just couldn't concentrate on the same thing for more than ten minutes.

After Science, we had Maths, which is basically my favorite subject.

I could pay a little more attention to this class, since I really like Maths.
The teacher is also very nice, she reminds me of my in real life teacher.

Ok, I hope you like this.

Sorry for venting through this character, and making this chapter only about myself.

I'll try to make the next chapter about Elmax.

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