The sleepover

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>Charlie's POV

I was getting ready to go to Robin's place when my little brother called me.

"Sissy, mom said you need to take me with you!"
I knew he was lying, my mom never asks me to do that.

"You little liar! The last thing she told you was to put food for our dog. Plus, she'd have told me, not you."
I said.

"Ugh! Ok, fine. But please?"
He made a cute face, but I wouldn't fall for that.

"No way! Plus, they're a bad influence for you, Max has the biggest dirty mouth in this planet, I don't want you to follow her example."
I said, trying to convince him.

"But I never get to hang out with anyone out of school!"
He frowned and I sighed.

I could talk with Evan and Erica about them being friends with my brother, but they're nine and thirteen, while my brother is seven.


She's also seven.

I don't remember her real age, just pretend it's seven.

Alright, I'll talk with Mike later, now I need to go.

"Look, I may have someone for you to hang out with, but not right now. I have to go, bye."
I kissed his forehead and ran out my room.

"Dad! Can you give me a ride?"
I yelled loud enough so he could hear me.

He said, getting out his room and taking his keys.

He just went out for grocery shopping, so he was already clothed.

"Let's go, move your butt."
My dad said, slightly pushing me to the door.

I pushed the button for the elevator and waited.

After we were already in the car, my dad started asking questions as he drives.

"So... these friends of your, are they from school?"
My dad asked.

"Two of them, yes. The other used to go there and became friends with them. They introduced me to her."
I lied.

I may or may not have just popped into their universe.

"Ok... this El girl, what's her actual name?"
He asked.

"Oh- uhm, it's Jane. Her nickname stands for... Eleanor! Her middle name."
I lied.

Well, not fully.

Hopper did put her middle name as Eleanor so we could call her El.

In my AU.

but I did lie about why I call her that.

"Alright then."
My dad finished, knowing I didn't like being overwhelmed with questions.

I had told him a lot about them before.

Of course, leaving out the fact they are gay.

My family doesn't fully accept it, they wouldn't accept if I told them about myself.

They wouldn't forbid me to talk with them, but it wouldn't give them a good impression.

It doesn't mean they're bad parents though. They're really accepting in other topics.

When we finally get to Robin's, she's standing in the doorway waiting for me.

I smiled as I got out of the car.

Robin smiled back.

"Bye dad."
I waved and went inside.

"Hey Max, El."
I waved as I made my way to the couch.

"Hi charls."
They said in unison.

"You two are gross."
I rolled my eyes seeing how they were cuddling, El holding Max by her waist and Max sitting on El's lap.

"Fuck off."
Max shot.

"So... I may or may not have called Nancy."
Robin smiled nervously.

I said.

"Calm down! She said she couldn't come cause she was helping her mom with chores."
Robin finished and I sighed, relieved.

"Alright, what exactly are we doing?"
I asked.

"We're gonna watch movies! As the new member of the group, you can choose."
El explained.

I exclaimed excitedly, Coraline being my comfort movie.

I actually watched it to calm down after having a nightmare today.

"Ok, ok. We'll watch it."
Robin said.

I sat down and waited for the movie to start.

This is actually my longest book yet.

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