Chapter Three: A Message to Whiterun

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After making our way into Riverwood, speaking with Hadvar's uncle Alvor, and finally parting ways with my beek-Ojel, I walked out the door of the blacksmith's house, allowing a heavy sigh to escape me as I readjusted the leather knapsack of supplies on my back (which also now held my map for safekeeping.) Hadvar had explained the goings-on at Helgen, with Alvor then telling me that I needed to get to Whiterun, to inform the Jarl of the World Eater's presence. "If you'd do that for me, I'll forever be in your debt." The blacksmith's words echoed in my head as I stepped off the porch, making my way down the path that ran through the little town.

Everyone here seemed a little busy or preoccupied as I passed them, but the couple of Nords I passed gave me curious and confused looks, as if asking: "why is there an Argonian in our midst?"

As I made my way to the other end of town, I gazed upon the inn and wondered if I should take a break to eat and rest. However, it was crucial for me to speak with the Jarl, despite feeling exhausted from previous events. I shook off the thought of resting for now and my body promptly reminded me of the lingering pain in my limbs, a throbbing ache in my legs told me that it would probably take a while to recover.

Shaking it off and ignoring the pain, I made my way out of Riverwood and strode past the stone bridge, turning my attention instead to the flowing river nearby, with its glistening waters and churning rapids up ahead. I gazed upon my blood- and soot-smeared hands, the scents of my previous escape lingered around me like some sort of ugly aura. Perhaps I can solve a few current issues of mine before going to Whiterun, I thought, I could clean myself up and catch some fish to satisfy my hunger.

Upon approaching the river, I briefly took a few moments to cautiously gaze around, making sure that I was both far enough away from Riverwood and out of immediate sight before slipping my boots off, setting my knapsack down, and trudging into the flowing river, inhaling sharply as my body registered the cold temperature of the water.

Once I was waist-deep in the water, I vigorously began washing off the blood, ash, and sweat from my scales, rubbing away at the filth that clung to the exposed parts of me whilst also occasionally scooping up handfuls of water to satiate my thirst. I also kept a sharp eye out for anything moving in the water, soon seeing the familiar flashes of silver scales that belonged to the salmon in the river.

Satisfied with my brief cleansing, I focused on one fish in particular that was starting to swim closer to me, its shimmering scales shielding the soft pink flesh contained within the salmon, which I could already start to taste as I watched my meal swim ever closer.

Closer... closer...

Once it was just about to brush up against my leg and swim by, I swiftly shot my clawed hand down into the water, my claws piercing through the fish's scales whilst I grasped onto its wriggling form, gills flaring and tail lashing. Upon bringing my catch into closer view, I shrugged off the idea of gutting the fish and instead barbarically sank my sharp teeth into it. My teeth stabbed through the scales and cleaved through its meat, and upon jerking my head back, I tore away a sizeable chunk of the salmon's flesh, crunching down on my mouthful of fish with a little smile.

With every bite came another small wave of satisfaction, and soon I had cast the salmon carcass aside, watching as it drifted down the river before I made my way out of the water, putting my boots back on and picking up my knapsack, taking out my map before slipping the bag onto my back once more. Upon unrolling the parchment I took notice of the map's contents, watching as a few things appeared on the map, one of such things was an icy-blue inkblot that morphed into an arrow, pointing to where the Jarl's palace, Dragonsreach, was located. There was also a sort of white inkblot arrow marking just where I was, which moved and switched direction depending on which way I faced. ...Strange, I thought, I wonder what sort of enchantment was put on this...

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