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"Wonyoung why would you cheat on me?" Beomgyu asked, devastated. "Beomgyu I told you. I can't handle long distance relationships." Wonyoung replied. "I knew you were hiding something." Taehyun yelled. "Know what, both of you get out!" Wonyoung yelled at them.

Taehyun's eyes went wide. "You can't kick me out, we live together!" He said. Beomgyu gasped and yelled, "You guys live together?!" Taehyun looked at him. "Well duh, why do you think I have my workout supplies here?" He replied. "Wow, you really are a bad person and all those things people said about you was true. I don't even want to see your face anymore!" Beomgyu scoffed.

Taehyun walked up to Wonyoung. "You know, I didn't think I would ever agree with him, but he is right. You are a really selfish cheater." He yelled straight into his face. "Really? Just get out." Wonyoung yelled back. Taehyun looked upset. "I have no where else to go! You can't kick me out." He said. "Too bad." She yelled at him. "Ugh cheater!" Taehyun stormed off with Beomgyu to the elevator.

"Can't believe I wasted my time coming here." Beomgyu told himself while he walked into the elevator. "Wait, I need it too." Taehyun mumbled. "Really though, why would he cheat on me with you?" Taehyun scoffed. "Im not the problem. The cheater was Wonyoung." Beomgyu replied.

The two got off and left the apartment buildings. "Let me politely introduce myself. Im Taehyun." He said. "Can't believe we got played by the exact same girl.. This is the weirdest way I have ever met someone." Beomgyu replied. "Not gonna lie, same here" Taehyun chuckled. "But, I have no where to go." His smile dropped. "Well you can stay with me!" Beomgyu smiled.

Taehyun got excited. "Really? But what about how I treated you?" He asked, feeling bad. "Seriously I don't care, you can live with me." Beomgyu replied. "Well I got to go, but I can tell we are going to be best friends." Taehyun smiled then chuckled. "See you!" Beomgyu waved him goodbye.

Beomgyu then saw a familiar boy whistling walking by. Beomgyu stopped him. "Hey wait a minute!" He called out. "Excuse me! Sir!" The boy finally turned around. "Excuse you, this sir has a name" He said. Beomgyu then realized it was the boy who was bugging him for talking to himself. "Okay. Whats your name?" Beomgyu asked. "The name is Yeonjun." He replied.

"Also, I thought you were going to your girlfriends apartment?" He wondered. "Oh her? Shes not my girlfriend anymore." Beomgyu crossed his arms. "Oh so you found out already." Yeonjun said. "Found out what?" Beomgyu asked. "Nevermind" Yeonjun began to walk away. Beomgyu chased after though. "Hey wait! You knew didn't you? You knew my girlfriend was cheating on me. How did you know?" Beomgyu asked again.

Yeonjun smirked. "I thought you weren't interested." Beomgyu groaned. "Its whatever. Me and her are over anyway." He said. Yeonjun just shrugged and walked away.

"No way, you were talking to Yeonjun?" Soobin asked in the distance. "Oh yeah." Beomgyu walked up to him. "He never talks to anyone." Soobin said. "Hes always breaking hearts left and right." Beomgyu was a bit surprised. "And hes also on top of every class, but hes way too popular now, so he doesn't care about dating anyone." Soobin sighed.

Beomgyu just simply nodded. "Right. So I have some bad news." He said. "Oh no what happened?" Soobin asked. "I found out my girlfriend was cheating on me. I walked into her apartment and she was with another boy." Beomgyu explained. "Oh im so sorry!" Soobin felt awfully bad. "Yeah, I don't know what to do now because the only reason I moved here was to be with her. I can't even afford this place! I need to pay rent for my apartment next week and I don't even have a job yet!" Beomgyu complained.

Soobin thought, then he came up with something. "Well I do know a place thats hiring, are you up for anything?" Soobin asked. "Yes! I'll do anything." Beomgyu begged. "Whatever you say." Soobin shrugged.


"Except for this." Beomgyu said.

Soobin has suggested that Beomgyu works as a maid. Beomgyu was in the maid outfit with gloves and everything. He was unsure. "Well whats wrong with this job?" Soobin asked. "Room service? I really have to clean all the apartments like a maid?" Beomgyu asked back.

"Its the only job available." Soobin said. Soobin noticed Beomgyus unsure expression. "What? Is there something wrong being a maid? My mom worked as a maid here is there something wrong with that?" Soobin stepped closer. "No no no! Theres nothing wrong its just im the new student! If anyone finds out im working they will laugh at me!" Beomgyu explained.

"Its not that serious Beomgyu." Soobin said. "Nobody really stays in their apartments. I mean I have never seen the maid who cleans my room." He reassured him. "Yeah but what if someone finds out and tells everyone? I just wanna have a good reputation!" Beomgyu whined. "Beomgyu you are gonna be fine." Soobin sighed.

Soobin started to walk away. "If you don't want the job I can just give it to someone else." Beomgyu chased after him. "No! I need this job! I don't mind." Beomgyu yelled. "Great! Look if you don't want anyone finding out, just clean everyones rooms in the morning, everyone is eating breakfast in the school at that time." Soobin said.

Beomgyu sighed and nodded. "You start tomorrow. First thing in the morning okay?" Soobin demanded. Beomgyu nodded again. "Great! Meet me here tomorrow morning and ill get you started!" He smiled.

"Can't believe im working as a maid.." Beomgyu sighed.


As Beomgyu got to his dorm, he was writing in a journal about his maid job. He was talking about how unbelievable it was and how he was worried about anyone finding out. He stopped writing whenit reached his dorm though.

He walked into his dorm and saw Taehyun there, no surprise though. "Hey Taehyun!" Beomgyu smiled. "Hi! Wait whats that you are holding?" Beomgyu noticed the journal still in his hand. "Oh this? Uh nothing!" Beomgyu replied.

"Right. Totally not like some diary, oh well, I used to have one." Taehyun walked away. "You know, we should really watch a movie! I know some good ones, could you go out and get us some snacks?" Taehyun asked. "Oh of course!" Beomgyu replied.


Beomgyu walked to a nearby hot chocolate shop, it was closed. "I don't think I can get any snacks.. No ones even here!" Beomgyu said. He then gor alarmed by the noise of someone crying behind the shop. "Is that crying?" Beomgyu walked behind the shop and saw Yeonjun in front of a crying girl.

"What did you do?!" Beomgyu yelled. "Nothing. I just turned down her love confession." Yeonjun shrugged. The sobbing girl ran away. "They weren't kidding when they said you were a heartbreaker" Beomgyu looked unfazed. "Why did you make her cry?!" Beomgyu yelled. "I don't tell them to cry they just do it." Yeonjun replied.

Beomgyu scoffed. "You don't care do you?" He asked. "Heard that before, and no I don't." Yeonjun said. Beomgyu just rolled his eyes and walked back to his apartment.


"Taehyun, sorry I wasn't able to get- What are you doing?!" Beomgyu yelled. Beomgyu saw Taehyun reading his journal and he had a huge grin on his face and he was chuckling as he read every single sentence.


hi lovelies! I hope you all are enjoying this story <3

btw that maid job beomgyu has, hes wearing pants not a skirt 😭

unless yall want him in a skirt then just picture him in one idk, skirt or not just saying

anyways, ill try to upload daily so keep up with me please!

bye lovelies ^^

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