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"Beomgyu, ready to go?" Yeonjun asked. "Oh right. Yes." Beomgyu replied. Yeonjun then looked at Beomgyu up and down. "You look beautiful." He smiled sweetly at the shorter boy. Beomgyu blushed, but laughed about it. Yeonjun gently grabbed Beomgyus hand and walked him out of the apartment buildings.

They walked to the christmas party which was located in the school. "Can you not like pick your nose?" Taehyun asked the short girl in front of him. It was sadly his date to the party. "Did you really bring her to the party Taehyun..." Soobin asked disappointed. "No other girls wanted to go with me!" Taehyun yelled at him.

"Theres so much people.." Beomgyu said. "Come on lets go dance." Yeonjun lead him to the center of the room. "I didn't know we were going to be dancing?" Beomgyu yelled. "You got to have some fun Beomgyu." Yeonjun told him. "We are here as friends okay?" Beomgyu asked. "Yeah? Who said I wanted you as my boyfriend?" Yeonjun laughed.

Beomgyu got offended. "You invited me here as a date?!" He yelled. "Doesn't mean I like you." Yeonjun replied. Beomgyu rolled his eyes. Yeonjun then gently took his hands and they started to dance and enjoy themselves.

"Why did you want me to come here anyway? You don't like me." Beomgyu asked. "Who said I didn't like you?" Beomgyu was confused. "I just said I didn't want you as my boyfriend." Yeonjun said. "Well I don't want you to be my boyfriend either!" Bemgyu yelled. Yeonjun shrugged. "Your so confusing!"

Soobin walked up to them. "Beomgyu! Taehyun is being so annoying." He said. "Do you mind? We are dancing." Yeonjun chuckled. "Your here with Yeonjun?! Are you guys dating?!" Soobin yelled. "No!" They both said at the same time. "Its so obvious you guys like each other." Soobin walked away.

Beomgyu was confused. "What does he mean obvious! We don't like each other!" Beomgyu yelled. "Yeah. Who would like anyone like you? Your short and annoying." Yeonjun said. "Short?!" Beomgyu yelled again. "Did I mention your really stubborn?" He added. "Why are you insulting me?! Did you bring me here to insult me or what?!" Beomgyu shouted.

Yeonjun shook his head. "I brought you here to have fun." He replied. "Attention students! Everyone is going to vote for their favorite couple for this year's christmas king and queen!" One teacher yelled out in charge of this all. "You hear that? Maybe we could win." Yeonjun said. "We aren't even a couple!" Beomgyu replied to him. "We look like one, don't we?" Yeonjun asked.


"Can't believe my date ditched me." Taehyun said upstairs of the room below. He was watching the rest of the people. He then saw the boy wearing all black again. "Wait its you!" He yelled and chased after them.


"Goodluck everyone." The teacher left. Everyone ran around trying to get votes from others. It got very loud. "Can you vote for me?!" A small girl asked Yeonjun and Beomgyu. "Yeah i'll vote for you." Beomgyu said. "You don't have my vote." Yeonjun added. "Why not?!" She yelled.


"You! Why are you in a disguise? Are you the boy that has been stalking me and my friends?" Taehyun yelled.


"Are you enjoying the party?" Yeonjun asked. "What?" Beomgyu yelled. "Are you enjoying the party!" He yelled back. "I can't hear you!" Beomgyu said.

Yeonjun then grabbed Beomgyu's hand and pulled him outside. "So, what did you think of the party?" Yeonjun asked. "I have never been to one before." Beomgyu said. "But it was fun!" He added. "Why haven't you been to one?" Yeonjun asked again. "No one really invites me to parties." Beomgyu chuckled.

"Thats weird because your really fun to hang around." Yeonjun said. "Well I study a lot so people think im probably like a nerd or something." Beomgyu laughed again. "Wanna get something to eat?" Yeonjun asked. "I was actually going to head back to my apartment." Beomgyu replied. "The party just started though?" Yeonjun said.

Beomgyu then sighed. "I don't understand why you wanted me here." He said. "What do you mean?" Yeonjun asked. "Your just really confusing! I can't figure you out!" Beomgyu yelled. He looked away and crossed his arms pouting.

Yeonjun then stepped closer to the point where they almost kissed. "I can help you understand." Yeonjun said. "W-What are you doing." Beomgyu asked. "Did I tell you, you look amazing tonight?" Yeonjun asked back. "This is exactly what I mean." Beomgyu said. "What?" He asked again. "You must've invited me for a reason. Do you like me or something?" Beomgyu asked.

Yeonjun laughed. "What?" He asked again. "I just don't get it!" Beomgyu yelled. "Do you like me? Just tell me!" He yelled again. "Why do you wanna know?" Yeonjun asked, leaning in even closer than before. Beomgyu was a tomato by now and tried to look away, but Yeonjun wouldn't let him and kept grabbing his face when he tried.

Yeonjun smiled. "Your not looking for a kiss are you?" He asked. "I-I uhm. N-No!" Beomgyu felt his heart racing.


"What do you want from us?" Taehyun yelled. The boy just ran past him. "Answer me- hey!" He yelled out and chased him.


"Congratulations to Yeonjun and Kira! Come up so you can get crowned." The teacher said.


"You just want everyone to go crazy over you." Beomgyu said. "You don't know me at all." Yeonjun replied. "You only want me to like you for your satisfaction." Beomgyu crossed his arms again. Yeonjun laughed. "Sure." He said.

Soobin then walked up to them and they quickly separated. "Yeonjun! You need to come back to the christmas party. You won christmas king!" Soobin said. "I did?" Yeonjun asked. "You and Kira won! Come on!" Soobin ran. "Better go get your crown 'Christmas king'" Beomgyu smirked. "Ugh. Ill call you later Beomgyu." His frown turned into a sweet smile in less then a second seeing Beomgyu.


"Yeonjun? Choi Yeonjun? Where is he?" The teacher yelled his name over and over again. "Yeah im here." Yeonjun said. The teacher put a crown on him. "Cool." He smiled. "Take a seat!" The teacher said. Yeonjun sighed, but did it anyway as the teacher took photos of him.

"Say cheese!" The teacher said. "This is so, cheesy." Yeonjun put a fake smile. When they finished, Soobin walked up to him. "Why didn't Beomgyu come with you?" Soobin asked. "He went home." Yeonjun replied.

"Hello everyone at the christmas party!" The speakers yelled. "An announcement..?" Soobin was confused.

"Listen up! Especially you Soobin. I am here to expose Soobin. There are two other boys that I will soon be exposing, but today is Soobins turn." Everyone turned to Soobin and he panicked with confusion.


okay but if i were soobin, i would just run out of there
or stay because of my curiously.
I GRADUATE TOMORROW! and i love my outfit its so cuteee
btw if i don't update my story tomorrow im probs busy. but literally im so glad school is over.

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