embrace (1)

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authors note: quick disclaimer to everyone that this story may contain some spoilers of tears of the kingdom. mainly this chapter which will take place during the final cutscenes after the final boss fight so don't read ahead until you have completed the game and true ending unless you DON'T mind some content being spoilt. i've been glued to my switch and have barely been able to put this game down and i've been super eager to find new super cute stories of these two and what they get up to after saving hyrule so i've decided to write my own! i'll add a few of my own details here and there so it flows better, but i hope you enjoy!


Link opened his eyes to a beautiful view of the Hyrulean sky islands above as he dipped through the clouds, the sun warm rays hitting his face as wind darted past his cheeks and bare chest, his uncut blonde hair flowing behind him.

He looked around, piecing together where he was, tumbling through the sky at astonishing speeds. He let out a quiet whimper as he attempted to steady himself against the strong breeze.

He looked beneath him to a dainty figure, also tumbling through the air like him. His mind, fogged, desperately trying to remember, remember, remember the events leading to this moment.

Squinting, Link made out the figure to be Zelda, plummeting towards the ground beneath.

He accelerated towards his princess, using techniques the ancient zonai steward constructs had taught him during the various diving ceremonies.

Wow, did Link have so much to tell her now this was all over.

As he got closer and closer to the falling girl, Link reached out his hand; the sharp wind burning his open eyes, though Link refused to even take them off of Zelda for even a moment.

He dived even more, almost swimming through the air, desperate to catch her right this time and not mess up as he did before. He vowed his life to the king to protect his daughter, even if it costed Links own life, although, he didn't think that was a large price to pay for the princess to be able to smile once more.

He was inches, centimeters, millimeters away from holding Zelda once more. Suddenly, he felt a connection between their hands and he worked to pull the princess towards him, still diving through the air.

Links arm cupped around Zelda, as he buried her head into his chest, holding her head secure so to not hurt her as they landed.

The continued to hurl towards a small lake below, as Link inhaled once more, before splashing into the water.

He pulled Zelda towards the edge of the water, as he crouched and scooped her up in his arms. He carried her towards a patch of grass as he cradled her once more, bending over to softly lay her on the ground.

He brushed the water off her face and placed a single, gentle kiss on her forehead. He knelt next to her, watching as her eyes began to open. He did it. He caught her. A wave of emotions flooded his mind, though he continued to maintain a straight face, albeit his eyes glistened as he longed after his princess.

"Link? How are you?", Zelda timidly asked. She seemed tired, but she too had that same glisten in her eyes for her knight. She looked around, confused, as she reached for her neck and fiddled with the secret stone that hung around her neck.

"But I was...", she questioned.

Link stared contempt. He was so glad he could see her again. Everything was worth it just to see her face again. Every battle, every scar, all for her, for Zelda.

The Master Sword made a light noise and glowed, catching Zelda's attention, as she stared to it strapped on Links... bare... torso.

Link still couldn't take his eyes of her.

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