•- The beginning -•

34 1 4

"Chongyun, I need to see you after class." Ningguang said, staring at the light blue-haired boy.

"Sure, Mrs Ningguang." Chongyun said, glancing at the teacher.

During class, Chongyun noticed that Xiangling kept staring at him. "Uhm, excuse me", Chongyun said "Why are you staring at me?"

"Oh!" Xiangling paused. "Sorry, I didn't mean to stare." 

Chongyun laughed a little. "Oh! It's okay!" 

Xiangling laughed with Chongyun a little, and Chongyun looked at the clock

"Oh, it's almost the end of class." Chongyun said right as the bell rang. "And there it goes!" He laughs.

Chongyun walks up to the teacher as everybody else leaves. "You need me?" He asked.

"Ah yes," Ningguang looked at Chongyun. "We need to talk about your grades." She said.

Chongyun gulped. "Oh, uhm," He muttered "I'm doing my best!" 

"Well "doing your best" isn't working for you Chongyun, and I'm really worried." Ningguang said. "And I don't want you to fail, I really don't!" 

Chongyun stared blankly, tears forming in his eyes. 

Ningguang sighed. "How about we finish this tomorrow, you seem very stressed right now, Chongyun." 

"Sure, sure." Chongyun said. "We can finish this tomorrow."

Chongyun decided to walk out once Ningguang finished her sentence, to avoid her from asking why he was crying.

While Chongyun was trying to calm down and navigate the halls of his school, he bumped into Xingqiu. 

Now, Chongyun didn't know Xingqiu at the time, but he had seen him around enough to know his name.

"Oh, hey!" Xingqiu said, "Wait, why are you crying??!" 

"N-nothing." Chongyun sobbed, sniffling before finally letting his tears go.

"Oh my gosh!" Xingqiu said, his eyes widening as he grabs Chongyun's head and pulls him close, letting him cry.

Chongyun kept sucking his snot back in, just to not get it on xingqius blueberry-colored coat.

He could smell the familiar scent of vanilla and cinnamon lingering around xingqius thin, pale body. "M-my stomach hurts.." Chongyun said, pulling away from Xingqiu to reveal a wet spot on xingqius coat from Chongyuns tears. 

"Oh dear, do you feel like you're going to throw up?" Xingqiu said worriedly before grabbing Chongyun and pulling him into the boy's bathroom. 

"I-I might" Chongyun said, still trying to calm down and get over his stutter.

Xingqiu gently pulled Chongyun into a stall and stood behind him, holding his hair back as Chongyun regurgitated his food from lunch. "Are you okay?" Xingqiu asked after Chongyun finished throwing up his stomach. 

"I'm fine now!" Chongyun said, his gloomy smile didn't know what to say though.

((411 words!!))

My iPad was at 5% so the chapter was delayed but now my iPad is at 52% so it's all good!

What chapter should I make next?

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