Forgiven? [PT 2???]

12 1 4

— authors note — 

Hey y'all I'm back 🤭🤭🤭🤭

Yes it's meeee!!! Your favorite user, sleep deprived, jar of blue raspberry popsicles!!!!


So sorry for not posting since AUGUST-

That is completely my fault. I am very sorry. Uh huh..yeah


I've gotten some new words to use, and I've gotten better at writing!! Omg

Also I've been really busy because of school ☠️☠️☠️

I'm learning violin this year!!




As Xingqiu was making his breakfast, he couldn't help but feel a weird feeling in his chest. Was he..sad? Was he..disappointed? He didn't even know anymore. The drama between him and Chongyun was just so..overwhelming. He didn't know what to do, or what to say. He wanted to say sorry, he wanted to get down on his knees and apologize, even beg for forgiveness..but..he couldn't. Chongyun didn't want to talk to him, and.. Xingqiu couldn't bring himself to ask for forgiveness. He just felt..hopeless, and..empty. 

Xingqiu quickly brushed away the feeling of hopelessness and just kept making his breakfast. As he was finished, he set his plate down at the table to eat. He remembered that earlier that day, he put the tassel Chongyun gave him on his nightstand, and he quickly got up from the table and walked upstairs to get it. He held the tassel close to him, as if it was a child that was just freshly born and in their mothers arms for the first time. There was a small feeling of regret mixed with fear inside of him. He wondered if Chongyun would leave him for somebody else, or if Chongyun would just..stop being his friend. He still felt so, so hopeless, but couldn't do anything about it but swallow the lump in his throat.

Xingqiu walked down stairs, putting the tassel in his pocket quickly before sighing and brushing off all of his sadness. He knew he was going to make this day good, even if it meant apologizing to Chongyun as many times as he needed to. Xingqiu quickly finished his breakfast and rushed to get his backpack, quickly packing his books and folders into it. He got ready and headed out the door and to school.

— at school —

Xingqiu walked through the crowded hallways, looking for Chongyun as the first bell rang. Xingqiu walked into first period, looking to find Chongyun. "Ah, there he is!" Xingqiu thought, walking over to Chongyun. "Hello, Chongyun." He said, not trying to look too sad.

"...don't talk to me." Chongyun said, a cold, harsh tone.

"..really? All i get is a 'don't talk to me'?!" Xingqiu screamed inside of his head. He quickly brushed it off and shrugged before walking away from Chongyun. "Suit yourself."

" He didn't even try.." Chongyun said quietly, but loud enough for xingqiu to hear.

"...huh?" Xingqiu replied, stopping and turning to look at Chongyun before raising an eyebrow

"...nothing..!" Chongyun said back quickly.

"...oh, alright." Xingqiu said calmly, turning back around and continuing to walk away, reaching his seat as the bell rang and first period started.


Should I aim for more words next time? Lmk.



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