🌱EP. Four; Under the Dreaded Umbrella

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He's back

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He's back.

Also, I am so so sorry this is late. I've been really busy lately within the real world, which honestly feels nice for a change. But I still feel bad for taking over two weeks to finish this. ;-;

Also, [Name] eats meat in this chapter; sorry if that goes against your code of conduct :C

... Processing ...





... Locked and Loaded ...

𝘛𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘸𝘦'𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵; Dreadful_Day


        You squeak as you rub the area on your cheek where a droplet of acid rain hits. The single drops is soon followed by more, and they burn into your sensitive skin. You very quickly begin scanning the store fronts in hopes of getting out of it.
        A small awning over a closed store catches your attention first and you make haste for it. Getting under it just in time as the slightly green hued rain pours to the city, drenching everything and harming anything that isn't safely covered up.
      You grumble to yourself as you press your body against the cold wall of the building. Out of everything that could have happened today, of course the day you don't have an umbrella on you is when the sky decides to rain.

It's only been a day since Benevolent suspended you from his bakery. The deeds done there the previous day with The Pilot causes you to carry a sudden regret.
      "If only I didn't stack bread, I could've waited for the storm to pass in the warm bakery with tea and sweets," you grumble to yourself, pulling the collar of your uniform further up your chilled neck.
       This particular building is near the city square, but even closer to the residences of the [OPERATIVES].
       Just thinking about how they're all safe and cozied up in their homes, whilst you stand in the cold wind and pouring rain makes your chest hurt.
       You fold your arms and hang your head a little bit- closing your eyes as you try to block out the booms of thunder and rainfall.

A few minutes go by like this before you suddenly hear the slow clicks of someone's boots walking over the sidewalk; closer and closer the noise grows, and you finally lift your head to gaze in the direction whilst reaching for your gun.
      "Well, now... If it isn't the rabid dog of a cleaner."
       The unenthusiastic voice of Dreadful remarks, his lip lifted in a sneer at the sight of you cowering from the rain in such a pitiful manner.
        He stops some feet away from you, just barely under the awning- instead opting to stand under his umbrella.
       You send him a deeply rooted scowl before looking away; dealing with him was not something you feel like doing right now... Or ever- the incident from before still weighs fresh in your mind.
       "You really shouldn't ignore someone of higher power when they speak," his voice suddenly bellows into your ear, and you scramble to the side to get away from him.
       "Why are you even bothering?!" You snap in reply, to which he takes a daring step forward; your hands shoot up to grab the arm he outstretches, yet he's lightening fast and already has you gripped by your collar.
        "I'm The Overseer! It's my job to bother the others," he spits venomously, his grip tightening in order to force a gasp of air from your lungs before he lets go.
         You hold onto your neck as you take a few steps back, stopping when you realize that one more step backwards would mean getting drenched.
         He lets out an amused scoff as he turns his body away from you. "I must say though, it really is quite strange to see you here of all places," he points out, looking you up and down for a second before glancing towards his wristwatch.
        "It's 6:00 PM," he begins, moreso to himself. He looks back at you- "Have you eaten yet?"
         You give him a skeptical eyebrow raise, unsure of his intentions, and so you don't answer him right way. Instead, the growl of your stomach answers for you, and you feel your face grow warm in embarrassment over how your body just betrayed you.
         Dreadful seems to think about his next words carefully- a shocker honestly, why would he do such a thing that's against his nature?
        "Want to come over to my place and have supper?"
        He asks, his tone neutral and his gaze averted from yours.
         You're in complete shock, and the hollow word that slips from your mouth makes him shoot you a biting glare.
         "You heard me! Stay here with the monsters lurking around in this freezing cold? Or warmth and supper, which is it?" He snaps, his grip tightening around the handle of his umbrella.
         The cynical expression on your face only runs deeper- and you find yourself wondering if this is truly Dreadful_Day or some strange imposter.
        "Did you hit your head? Why are you inviting me over for supper?" You query, tilting your head whilst raising your brows.
        He puffs out an indigent huff, using his free hand to rub at his temples before turning towards you- and as he nears you instinctively reach for your gun.
         "Listen closely, dump-cake," he commences whilst he disarms you in one swift motion; you gasp as he holds your gun away from you.
         "We're running low on civilians who fit this job, so as much as I HATE to admit it..." he trails off as he continues to step further into your personal space, which naturally causes you to take a few steps back.
         "As Overseer I have to make sure you do not die anytime soon," he finally says, in such a forced way that it leaves you more distrustful.
        The plinks and pats of raindrops hitting the umbrella's top makes you lift your eyes off the operative to the shield he currently holds over both your heads.
         You fell right into his trap... You have no choice but to go to his place and have dinner now.
         The look of dreaded realization on your face causes him to smirk; and he returns your gun to you as he begins walking- and to avoid the rain you suck it up and walk at his side.

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