🌱EP. Seven; The Sorrowful Residence

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(I rewrote the chapter so the pic has nothing to do with this EP-)

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(I rewrote the chapter so the pic has nothing to do with this EP-)

This EP is dedicated to my sister, who loves this depressed priest very much~

... Processing ...
... Locked and Loaded ...

𝘛𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘸𝘦'𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵; Sorrowful_Day
(ᴬᵖᵖᵉᵃʳᵃⁿᶜᵉˢ ᴹᵃᵈᵉ; ᴹᵃᶜᵃᵇʳᵉ_ᴰᵃʸ )


Two days have passed since you last ran into Macabre, and you were finally starting to calm down after that whole ordeal.
      That annoying and unnerving feeling of being watched has also disappeared, it was something that was driving you mad, so now that you can walk again in peace is a huge relief.

W h a c k!

      You stumble forward after something large hits you in the back of the head. A throbbing pain begins to circulate, and you start feeling faint as you hold a hand to the area where impact was made.
      Despite your sudden blurred vision, you make out the round shape of a ball rolling past your feet.
      Then a stampede of footsteps hurry over to you.
      "We're so sorry!"
      You turn around to face the owner of the young voice, and three children are standing there while a fourth dashes after the ball.
     "Oh," you think, your thoughts starting to catch up to you now. You just remembered you were walking past the school, and it must be recess.
      "Why are you throwing balls at people?" You ask, trying to soothe the throb by massaging the area.
       "H-Horton kicked it t-too hard, and w-we didn't know you w-were walking by!"
       This kid was stuttering and shaking like a leaf; and if you weren't in the process of trying to fight against the pain, you probably would have let it amuse you.
       You simply sigh in response, not about to pick a fight with a group of six year olds.
      "Just be more aware of where you're kicking that, otherwise I'm going to have to confiscate your toy," you inform them, and all four of them nod in reply.
       "I'm realllllly sorry," the one holding that ball, who you presume is Horton, apologizes as he shyly stares towards the ground.
       You wave your hand in a dismissing manner, and turn your body away from them. "It's fine, don't do it again though," you answer, just wanting to carry on with your work.
      They all give you a little wave back along with appreciative looks, and you continue down the street.

You were beginning to hope that today wasn't going to be full of interruptions, but only a small time passed before you're already running into the second one of the day.
      Just up ahead, the delivery man you recognized from a couple days ago, is currently freaking out over what looks to be his cart.
      You approach him with concern, and when he sees me his expression perks up.
      "Oh, Cleaner! I'm so relieved to see you!" He exclaims once you reach him.
      "What's the problem?" You ask, looking down at his cart- one of the wheels has broken off. And on a two wheel cart, you suppose that's a struggle to use.
      "I was delivering an order to the church, but the wheel snapped off," he begins, now bending over the cart to remove the cloth top that protects the goods.
      "I would walk this to church, but I can't just leave my cart here to be ransacked by hooligans," he finishes, picking up the package and turning to you.
       "I hear you're acquainted with The Priest already, and I'd be very thankful if you could deliver this," he tells you with pleading eyes.
        You make a small noise of uncertainty, looking down to the package in his arms while you think about whether or not to deliver it.
        Going to the church means running the risk of seeing Macabre is high, but you also didn't want to leave this man without aid; or The Priest without whatever he ordered.
        As you finally make up your mind, you give the man a swift nod.
        "Sure, I'll deliver it," you say whilst holding out your hands.
        The man's face beams with happiness. "Oh, days! Thank you so much!"
        He holds out the package and places it into your hands, and once he releases it you realize how heavy it is.
        "Careful now!"
        He pulls the cloth back over his cart before looking back at you. "Thanks again, I'll be sure to repay you when my next check comes in," he informs you, and you shake your head in response.
         Civilians make near to nothing, despite all their hard work. You weren't about to rob this man of the little cash he makes a month.
         "No need, I'm just happy to help," you tell him with a smile, although in your mind you were still wondering what exactly is making such a small package so heavy.
         Gratitude feels his eyes, and surprise; then his smile fades and he lifts an eyebrow.
         "You don't plan on using this as blackmail, do you?"
          You have to force yourself not to let out the laugh that you wanted to make. "Nah, of course not! Hadn't even crossed my mind," you reply, and the man relaxes again.
         "Oh, good, good," he breathes; and considering his reaction, you wonder if he's been blackmailed before...?
           After he gives you his thanks for a third time, you split ways with the delivery man and begin the trek towards the church.

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