🌱EP. Eight; The Dynamic Evening

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I feel bad he didn't receive much love in the main book, so here's a 6K word episode for him. :)

... Processing ...
... Locked and Loaded ...

𝘛𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘸𝘦'𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵; Dynamic_Day
(ᴬᵖᵖᵉᵃʳᵃⁿᶜᵉˢ ᴹᵃᵈᵉ; ᵁⁿˢᵗᵃᵇˡᵉ_ᴰᵃʸ)


A large pancake flips through the air, a dramatic instrumental playing on the radio in sync to the summersaults the pancake prefroms as it flies.
        You twirl the pan in your hand as your flying breakfast begins to fall, and in one swift movement you scoop it up and place it back over the burner.
         "Finally!" You cheer, proud of yourself for succeeding at the trick at last.

On a plate pushed to the far end of the counter sits all your failed attempts, all of which either splatted to the floor or got stuck to the ceiling...
        Not one to throw out food, you sat them aside to instead use them as bird food later in the park.

        Turning off the stove, you slide your pancake out of the frying pan and onto a plate that it shares with a handful of various berries.
         You spin around to the table, setting the plate of breakfast down next to your glass of water.
         Today is a special day for you, as it is your birthday; and you were given the day off!
         You tune the radio to some calmer classical music, before sitting down and digging into your rare treat of a good breakfast.
         Usually you eat a couple buttered biscuits before leaving for work; but not today, and you're going to enjoy every second of it.

After breakfast, you bustle about your residence for a couple hours.
        You tidy things up by washing the dishes, and dusting the various surfaces, before sitting down and reading a new book you recently picked up at the local bookstore.
        It's an old book, with dog-eared, yellowing pages- about life in the [DAWN REPUBLIC] as a civilian before the Rose Infection happened.
        Placid's mentions of the place piqued your interest, and thus wanted to know more about the place.
         The author at the time was a teenager, and talks of their family's daily life in the city.
         A time where people were able to own pets, an ability that was taken away once the Rose Infection began spreading.
         The disease was hard on animals, and most did not make it.
          If one was lucky enough to survive, it was taken in for testing by doctors and scientists. Where it would eventually succumb to the harsh chemicals or environment they were forced to live in.
         The fluffy faced critters are things that you and the other civilians have only seen in old books about animal care.
         Six chapters in is when you decide to take a break from reading and head out for a walk and some lunch.
          You throw on your heavy boots and trench coat, before grabbing your keys and heading out the door.
          The air is brisk today, and the streets are still damp due to last night's rainstorm. Conditions such as these are things you've grown used to as a civilian in the Days City, where it's always cloudy with high chances of rain.
          Not warm and sunny as described in the book about life in the Dawn Republic.
           Despite the weather, you carry your head high as you make your way down the street and towards the shopping district.
          The streets are only mildly active today as well, which is nice. You're not in the mood to be rubbing shoulders within a crowd of people on your birthday.
         You reach the shopping district in no time, stopping to stare up at the huge blimp that blocks the sky from view.
          A group of people stand packed around the entrance to the blimp, and upon closer inspection you notice that they're all pilots of the Days' City.
          You assume it must be a training day for them, and not wanting to be caught staring at them for too long, you turn towards your left to the little grocery store.
           The shop owner greets you, which you return before picking up a few things.
           At checkout, they give you a birthday discount on the lunchmeat, something you give them a grateful smile for.
          Even with your job, you aren't paid that much, and you appreciate the chance to save some extra money.
           You wave each other goodbye as you slip back outside. Hugging the paper bag of food against your chest, you start retracing your steps in order to get back home.
          That is, until a loud and energetic voice shouts your name.
           You look over to see Unstable running your way, and instinctually you brace yourself for impact.
          This time though, instead of being body slammed into the pavement, he manages to slide to a stop- giving you a mere nudge to the side.
           You readjust your hold on your groceries, before looking up to meet the eyes of the pilot.
           "I didn't want to interrupt a training session," you explain to him, watching as his eyes drift off of you and onto your goodies.
          "OH, WE ON BREAK NOW, YES," he responds, shooting a glance behind him at the other pilots before looking back at you. "ALSO, HAPPY DAY OF BIRTH!"
          You give him a smile, almost surprised that you got a happy birthday from someone today.
          "Thank you!"
          Nodding vigorously, he then looks at the bag in your hands. "NEED HELP CARRY?"
          You shake your head. "No need, it's only one bag. I can manage," you tell him, now watching him go from his somewhat crazed expression to that of rejection.
           Whether this was an honest reaction or a ploy to get you to give in, you couldn't stand to see the operative look so sad.
           "Fine, you can carry it..."
            Unstable jumps a few times in place, before taking the bag from you and holding onto it carefully.
           "OKAY, LET'S GO-GO-GO," he exclaims, walking a couple steps to get you to follow.
            You let out a chuckle and head after him, leading him towards your home while he falls into place beside you.

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