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A beam of light hit Meera's face, disturbing her sleep. She whined as she rolled to the other side of the bed. Her bedroom had never had this much sunlight before.

Unable to fall back asleep, awareness came creeping in and with it all of last night's events. She blushed as she remembered them, pulling the sheet tighter around her naked body. Arjun was no longer in bed. She studied the room pleasantly surprised, she hadn't gotten the chance to do it before. It was not done in all black and grey tones like she had imagined. Instead it was an inviting neutral colour with a warm vibe. A wide floor to ceiling window was  installed on one side of the bed.

Meera's breath caught as Arjun came out of the bathroom after taking his shower with a towel wrapped around his waist, trails of water dripping from his wet hair and sliding down his well toned abs. She recalled what he had said last night about it being his first time too, but it was hard to believe that someone like him could have remained single for so long.

"Can I ask you a question?, she said in a light-hearted tone.

"Hmm", he said in a distracted voice, moving into the walk-in closet but leaving the door open.

"Did you really mean what you said last night? That you were a virgin before this..", she asked, gesturing between them.

"Yes", he said walking out now dressed in black trousers with a crisp black shirt.

"What? Why?", she said shocked

"Well why haven't you?", he retorted.

"I just hadn't found anyone till__", she stopped abruptly.

"Till?", , he raised his eyebrows.

"Till you", she whispered, fidgeting her hands.

"Me too", he said moving closer to her.

Meera's breath caught in her throat and she closed her eyes in anticipation, but instead he just stretched across the bed over her to the other side of the bed to get his phone and whispered close to her ear, "I just needed this."

He moved back while smirking, a sense of possessiveness washing over him when he saw a hickey on her neck.

And just like that the tentative amity building between them crumbled and the air became thick with tension. Someone knocked on the door and called out, " Can I come in? Are you guys decent?".

Meera gasped and sat up, her startled eyes darting towards the door.

"Don't worry, it's just my brother, Adi", Arjun said.

He opened the door slightly and slipped through the gap, shutting the door firmly behind him, ensuring that no one could get even a tiny glimpse into the room.

Meera sat on the bed for a while after Arjun had left, unsure of her next step. Still too embarassed by what had happened between her and that devil of a man. Finally, gathering her courage, she got up to get ready and face today's battle.


Arjun closed the door behind him and stared down at Adi.

"Arre bhabhi kaha hain? Zara main bhi to dekhu humari nayi bhabhi ko?", Adi said, attempting to enter the room.( Where is she? I also want to see my new sister-in-law)

Arjun moved to stand in front of the door with a stoic expression, refusing to budge and crossing his arms.
"Didn't you meet her yesterday with everyone else?", he said.

"That wasn't a meeting! That was an ambush", Adi said pretending to be sad, jutting his lower lip out. Arjun just gave him a death stare, daring him to enter the room and moved towards his office, his younger brother following him.

"Do you have any update on our warehouse situation?, he asked.

The question seemed to suck all the goofiness out of Adi. Immediately, he sat straight, "We haven't been able to find out the killer yet. But this much bigger than we think. Our shipments have been going missing and evidence against some of our men has turned up at police stations. All of them were left with the same calling cards. Badla.". A tense silence fell as they both thought it over.

"Fine, I will come to the warehouse today itself. I'll also bring a record of our past enemies", Arjun said.


Meera had just got finished dressing in Arjun's sweatshirt and shorts that were more like a dress and pants on her small frame. She glanced nervously in the mirror, once again cursing herself for not packing her clothes. Among all the chaos she had forgotten to do it and she was not going to wear her blood stained lehenga again.

She jumped, startled when the door of room opened. She watched in the mirror as her husband came in and retrieved a thick file from the side table of the bed.

"Arjun, I need to go back to my house to pack up my stuff and bring here", she said gaining his attention.

"I'll send someone to pack up your bags and bring here", he said lost in his thoughts.

Heat crawled up her neck and she said in a sharp voice, "What! No you can't send someone to pack my bags. I will go by myself in a cab."

"Why?", he asked.

"Because__ Ugh, because I don't want your men to go through my undergarments", she said, now as red as a tomato.

Anger lanced through Arjun just at the thought of imagining his men seeing more of his wife's lacy undergarments.  "Fine, I'll take you", he said a frown on his face.

"Just make sure your family doesn't see me. I don't want to meet them dressed like this", she said.


Meera had packed her bags within an hour, dumping all her things in suitcases since they would be emptied out anyway. Arjun was sitting on her bed with eyes glued to his phone, occasionally commenting on her packing style, to which she just replied to with a glare. 

Sagar was not at home right now and she had used her key to enter the house. She took out a simple saree and went to change in the bathroom. When she came out, Arjun was standing just  outside the door. He caged her in with his hands on either side of the wall and leaned down to trail kisses on her neck, "You look hot".

Meera pushed him away even as her chest heaved, heart beating fast at his proximity, "I still haven't forgotten how you forced me to marry you. Last night was a moment of weakness."

"Ok. Let's see how long you can resist me.", he said arrogantly and picked up her suitcases, walking out of the house. Meera followed him, locking up the house. He started the car after they had both settled in and spoke, "First we're going to my warehouse. I have some work there. I'll be done quickly. You wait in the car." When they reached their destination, he left her in the car telling her to lock the doors.

It had been almost 40 minutes since Meera had been waiting outside. She contemplated calling him, but scratched that idea as she didn't have his phone number. The screech of a car caught her attention and she looked up to see a van pulling up in front of her, throwing a man out of the door and speeding away.

She hurriedly got out of the car and screamed at the scene before her. A man lay before her, naked from waist up, something carved in his chest. Her instincts as a doctor took over as she crouched to check his pulse. By this time, some men had come outside, Arjun rushing to crouch beside her. She felt a faint pulse and she said, "He's alive".

An ominous silence descended at her words as the brutally injured man managed to whisper one word, "Badla".


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