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Because of morning's fresh sunshine I wake up from my deep sleep. I took a look on time in my mobile and it was 7.15 in morning means I have more 2 hours to interview. I took shower and made breakfast with my fresh and mouth watering juice. Still I have 1 hour so I decided to take a walk in nearest park.

After 5 minutes of walk I sat on bench under tree. Fresh air, colourful flowers and chupring of birds. I think today's day is going be a great day. Now it's time to go to interview.

After two hours of interview they told me that they will sent me an email till noon. With that I exited from the cafe's office.

{Jimin's POV}
After whole night of working on next attack on Sehun I return Park mantion. When I entered in I saw Halmeoni was staring me in worry but anger on her face after my parents the one whom I love and care is only she.

"Jimin, you told me you will be home till night. Is this your night time, Jimin?" Halmeoni said. "Halmeoni, I got stuck in some important work."
I said but without saying anything Halmeoni turn her feet to kitchen.

I thought that she remember some work so I took this thing as a chance and went to my room. I took shower and change into my regular clothes. I heard knock on door.

"Come in." I said in cold tone. I saw Halmeoni with tray of breakfast. She came near my bed where I was sitting. "Jimin, eat this and take rest." Halmeoni said. I started to eat but saw Halmeoni still in room I feel she wants to talk with me.

"What happened Halmeoni, Do you want to talk with me?" I ask. "Yes, dear but first finish your breakfast." I nodded and ate whole breakfast. Last night I didn't eat anything so I was hungry.

"Now tell me what happened? Why are you looking so serious?" I ask.
"Dear, I am thinking why don't you find someone who will keep you happy your whole life."

"But Halmeoni you know my past then why do you want this thi-" Before I complete my sentence, she interrupt me. "I know, but my Dear Mochi you know or don't know but their are always tow soul to make one heart and your heart is not complete so.... Please Jiminie." "I'll think about it but Halmeoni first of all tell me did you had your meal." I said. "I had don't worry. Now take rest and if you need any thing just call me." "I will Halmeoni." With that she left my room.

{Jimin's Thought}
Do I get someone who will take care of who will love me like Halmeoni does, who will wait for me.
With that though Jimin drift into sleep.

It's already 8.00 pm and I didn't get any email. I am tense know. What if they don't like my interview? What if I am not the one whom they want as a young worker?

While I was in my thoughts notification poped in my mobile and it's email from cafe. I crossed my fingers and pray for my good luck.
And I am selected as a worker and tomorrow is my first day in cafe.
I have to start my work at something like 10.00 am. I am so excited. I hope tomorrow my day will be as good as today.

Next Morning

I woke up by the sound of my alarm. It's 7 o'clock in morning. I got up and did my morning routine.

 I got up and did my morning routine

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{Y/N'S Dress for a day. You can choose another one if you don't like this}

I eat my breakfast and went to cafe.
I open the door of cafe bell made a 'ting' sound. I was going to counter but before go any further I feel someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a vary charmed smile face.

"Hello! I am Soobin. I think you're Y/L/N Y/N." Said Soobin. As per his drapery I think he also work here so I ask him. "Yes and hello. Actually I came here for work and today is my first day. Can you please help me." I rquested to Soobin. "Yes, I will our manager Mr. Kang told us about you. Come with me and change into cafe drapery." Soobin said and he lead me to changing room. After leading me to changing room he left me there so I can change.

I changed into cafe drapery and went out of changing room. When I was walking I heard like someone is shouting on other. I saw Soobin was standing infront of young beautiful and cute women whose age I think is near by 25 years.

"Soobin why can't you do anything properly?" That young woman shout on Soobin. Before she say any thing further Soobin noticed me and called my name most likely whispered . The young woman also turn around and she changed her angry face into cute smile.

"Ohh my! So you're Y/N you look soo pretty." She said. "Thankyou." I blushed and replied. "Well my name is Suzy nice to meet you Y/N." Suzy said. "Nice to meet you to Suzy." I said. "So Y/N your going to do cash work on cashing counter." Suzy said.

"Come with me I will show you which and what kind of cashing work you have to do." Suzy said while walking to cashing counter with I am following her back. "YN, before this did you done any cashing work or cashing related work anywhere?" Suzy asked me. "Actually, I am orphan girl and just few weeks before I turned 19, so this is my first job. But I know how to do it as I learned about it mostly in orphanage." I said but when I complete speaking I saw Suzy was having bit of sad expressions. "What happened, Suzy?" I asked. "I am sorry. I really didn't have idea about yours past. But you can except me as your elder sister." Suzy said and hugged me.

"Sorry to disturb, but if manager or any of costumer sees you like this, they will complaint about both of you." Suddenly from nowhere Soobin came and said. And Suzy again came to her bossy mood. After seeing how she change from her sis mood to bossy mood, don't know why I burst out in laugh. After me Suzy and Soobin also started to laugh. And with smiley face we three idiots went to our work.

To be continue...

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