Season 2 episode 17: Golden Reunion

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While every student are no in the auditorium with their sacred gears, Weapons, Costumes and also battle suits, and they re now listening to Scathach as they are now being separated on the first day and also the General saw all of Squad V, in the elites as they thought it is unfair...

????: This is so unfair.. all of Squad V and some and all of Saint freya students are on the elite squads....

??: tch they think they r eco strong just they are saint freya tch...

They then saw Jinsei sitting beside the well know two women which are Kiana and Maia s the boys looked so jealous and then they all thought


Kiana is being chaotic as she is now laying on Jinsei's thighs as Mei is just sitting up straight as Himeko shakes her head in amusement from the teachers area and then then...

Durandal: Kiana is very attached to Jinsei huh?

Ishmael: I can see that very well...

Rita: Ahh... Young love.....


Issei; Tch Wh- Why am I not in the elites!!!!??

Rias: Tch..

Many are too prideful to accept they did not match the standards of the elites as they look on the elites with jealousy and then also some of the beta males look at the alpha males on the elite areas and then...

???: tch Those bastards just got here.. and they think they re stronger than us?

Cardin; heh I bet I can beat the shit out of them..

Katsuki: Deku....... 

Katsuki is glaring at Izuku as he is just looking at the front as he is beside Shiba and Shoto and then..

Katsuki(mind): You useless Deku I will show you who is worthy of being the elite.. and I will fucking show you who is the strongest around here...


Later after the Orientation...

Miyasato looked at ground and then something is telling him that he is being called by someone...

Miyasato: huh....? 

(Some golden woman is calling you master...)

Miyasato: Golden woman...... Wait that woman...

(Indeed, master... U dont know but she said it is urgent....)

Miyasato: Seriously that woman... I will get to her...


Miyasato then landed on the given location after school and then later he is now in his casual wear and then he then heard a voice

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Miyasato then landed on the given location after school and then later he is now in his casual wear and then he then heard a voice...

???; You have finally arrived.... m- My king..

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