She Got Lucky

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Roman POV

I walked into Burgess's hospital room and I saw her sleeping. It was weird because Ruzek wasn't there. I walked in and set down a card I got her. It wasn't much, just a get well soon card.
"Hey Sean, when did you get here?" She asked weakly.
"About two minutes ago, how are you feeling Kim?" I asked.
"I'm fine, besides the stupid headaches I'm getting," she said.
"I'm sorry. Where's Ruzek?" I asked.
"Oh, I made him go down and eat dinner, in the cafeteria," she said.
"That's good. Any short or long term effects?" I asked, hoping they wouldn't be that bad.
"Yeah, all are short term. I have trouble walking, because whenever I get up the room starting spinning and I usually have to lean on someone so I don't fall. Also the headaches and I've been having trouble staying awake for long periods of time, and when I fall back asleep, I usually sleep for a long time," she stated.
"I'm sorry Burgess," I said, feeling really bad for her.
"It's not your fault, plus it could be a lot worse. I could've had memory loss, seizures, and/or paralysis. Also, my side effects are only short term, so they'll go away soon," she said.
"How long will you be out of work, if you come back?" I asked. I couldn't work with her fill in partner any longer, he's a complete ass.
"First of all, I'm definitely able to come back Sean, so don't worry. Secondly, if everything works out the way the doctors planned, it should be about 4 weeks," she said.
"That's good," I said. Adam walked in during our conversation. "Hey Ruzek."
"Hey Roman, when'd you get here?" Adam asked.
"About 20 minutes ago," I said.
"Hey you," Ruzek said to Kim. "How long you been up darling?"
"About 20 minutes, I woke up right after Sean came in," Burgess said.
"Cool," Adam said.
"Well, I have to get going, get well soon Burgess," I said. I had to get to work and I was already a little late.
"Okay, thanks for stopping in Sean, bye," Burgess said.

Ruzek POV

After Sean left, I went over and kissed Kim. "You look sleepy babe, why don't you get some sleep? I'll be right here, I promise," I said. She looked like she would pass out with in two minutes. She closed her eyes a few seconds later. I could tell that she couldn't keep them open any longer. "I love you," I whispered into her ear.
"I love you too," she said, and then she was out cold.

Burgess POV

I woke up and I saw Adam sound asleep. I watched him for about ten minutes and then I fell back asleep.


"Get up you stupid bitch!" The man said as he kicked my side. I tried to get up but everything was spinning. I saw blood dripping down my shirt and I put my hand on the back of my head. I pulled my hand off the back of my head and saw a ton of blood. Before I knew it, my head slammed on to the floor and I slipped into unconsciousness.

*End of Flashback*

"HELP!" I screamed as I woke up. I started to cry and I saw Adam rush over. "Hey baby shhhh, it's just a dream darling, shhhhh," Adam said as he put his arms around me.
"It w-wasn't a d-dream A-Adam," I said in between sobs, "it w-was r-real!"
"It's okay darlin'. I'm here, no one will hurt you anymore. Your safe now," Adam said softly. I started crying harder and eventually I cried myself to sleep.

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