He Was A Good Cop

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Ruzek POV

As I headed into work, I received a call from Kim. I couldn't answer it because I had to hurry into work as soon as possible. When I got upstairs, Sarge started telling us the new info about Donnelly.
"Donnelly hasn't been heard of since Friday, which isn't a good sign. We have started tracking where he has been in the last four days. A cashier at the grocery store said that he headed into the abandon building behind the store two days ago and he keeps coming back every day at 2:00 AM. Since it is 6:00 PM now, we will go to the warehouse later tonight at 2:00 AM and arrest him there. Clear? Good," Voight said.

Burgess POV

"Great Adam, thanks," I said sarcastically when I saw he didn't answer my call. I need to ask him where he put the spare key, so I decide to call him again. No answer. I set my phone down and make myself some dinner.

Later that night I check to see if he called, and of course, he didn't. I decide to go to bed and I will call him in the morning.

Ruzek POV

2:00 AM

"Go in!!" Voight shouted so we broke down the doors to the warehouse. We searched the entire building, but Donnelly wasn't there. As we were looking for evidence, I found a notecard with something scribbled down. I pick it up and it read, "He was a good cop". I turn it around and I saw dried blood on the card. "I found something!!" I yelled and then everyone came over.
"What'd you find Ruzek?" asked Dawson.
"Look," I said as I handed him the notecard.
"No fucking way, the cashier wasn't kidding," Sergeant Voight said.
"I guess not," Olinsky stated.

We headed back to the house and sent the evidence to the lab.
"Alright guys, go home, we can't do anything else until the evidence comes back," Voight said. As we left, I saw something move in the bush. As I got closer I felt an object smash into my head as I fell and was swept into darkness.

Burgess POV
"Ugh Adam I swear!" I shouted when I woke up and saw that Adam hadn't called back, "Where the hell are you?"

Ruzek POV

As my eyes slowly opened, everything was blurred around me. I tried to get up but I was tied down on the floor. "This place looks familiar- oh shit, this is the abandon warehouse!" I thought to myself. I saw a figure come up to me and I soon realized that it was Donnelly. He was carrying the picture I had of Kim in my pocket.
"She's cute," Donnelly said with a smirk. "It would be a shame if something happened to her."
"Please no, I'm begging you," I said softly, "hurt me, not her."
"Okay, I guess I could do that," Donnelly said. He grabbed a knife and a lead pipe and cut me out of the rope with the knife and slammed the pipe into my stomach. He kept lifting the pipe up and beating me with it over and over until I couldn't stay awake any longer. As I slipped into unconsciousness, I heard the door break down. "Chicago police!" I heard, and then I gave into my shock.

Olinsky POV

"Ruzek!!" I screamed as I searched for him while the others chased down Donnelly. Halstead helped me search when I finally found him "HALSTEAD I GOT HIM!! PULSE IS WEAK, SHALLOW BREATHING!!" I yelled, "Damn it Ruzek come on!!"
Halstead rushed over with the paramedics. As the paramedics checked him over they inserted IVs and placed an oxygen mask on him.
"Would one of you like to ride in the back?" the female paramedic asked, "we have to hurry, he's bleeding internally."
"Olinsky go, I'll call Kim," Halstead said. I hopped in the back. "C'mon Ruzek, don't leave us, Kim needs you," I said softly to him.

As we arrive at the hospital, there are about four doctors waiting for us.
"Male, 32, concussion, collapsed lung, and a ruptured spleen," the female paramedic said.
"Alright let's move him into the OR stat!" the doctor said.
"You can do this Adam, we need you," I said to him as they wheeled him off.

Burgess POV

I received a call from Jay so I answered it, a little concerned since Adam hasn't been home yet. "Hello?" I ask.
"Burgess, Ruzek was beaten badly and he's at Chicago Med, meet us there," Jay said. I couldn't move or speak. "Burgess!" Jay said.
"Sorry I'm....I'm on my way," I said, my voice shaky as I hung up immediately and left.

As I got to the hospital I saw Jay and Olinsky sitting in the waiting room. "Where the hell is Adam?!" I said racing in, mascara running down my face from crying.
"Burgess," Olinsky said.
"He's not dead, NO HE CANT BE!!" I said screaming as I fell into Olinsky's arms.
"Burgess he's not dead, he's in the OR," Jay said.
"How bad Jay, how bad?!" I screamed.
"He has a concussion, a collapsed lung, and a ruptured spleen," Jay said.
"Oh my god," I said, falling to my knees. Olinsky helped me up into a chair as he tried to comfort me, but nothing could help me right now. I just need Adam.

Halstead POV

I've been sitting here for four hours waiting for Ruzek to get out of surgery. Kim's a wreck, her mascara messed up and her eyes red and puffy. She's been crying the whole time. "C'mon Adam, please stay," I said to myself.

I got a call from Voight. "Hey Halstead, we caught Donnelly, how's Ruzek?"
"He's still in surgery. Ruptured spleen, collapsed lung, and a concussion. Kim's a wreck, she's been hysterical since she got here," I said.
"He'll make it, he's tough as hell. I still have to finish up with Donnelly, but call me if anything changes Halstead," Voight said.
"I definitely will," I said back.

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