🕸️ 06. | ready or not

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CH06 : ready or not

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CH06 : ready or not


After visiting Aunt May she gave me a new proper suit and everything, it was a (f/c) spider suit.

I was currently putting some things in my backpack so it wouldn't be all over the place after what I did last night. a soft knock was heard coming from the door again.

"Hey, [name]. can we talk?" It was my mom again, I felt bad after telling her to go away. she's my #1 supporter. I hate having to hurt her...

"I- I know you're still ignoring me but..I only want you to know that I'm here for you. always. I will never go anywhere, even if that means time may end— one day I won't always be there to support you but I'll be there in spirit. you...you have this wonderful spark in you. I see it in you, miles, and nico. the three of you have been friends since you were, what, babies! crazy ain't it? but please. know that I'm here for you. and, I love you. you don't have to say it back, but you know. and that's all I need to know." she said and I heard her footsteps vanish.

I placed my backpack down and sat on the edge of the edge of my bed, thinking. I ran a hand through my hair, Miles told me what happened to Aaron and I was devastated to hear.

The spider crew was going to stop the collider on their own without us, if that was for the best, then so be it.

I remembered what I had did yesterday and looked down at my hands again— was I really that strong? I took another look and stood up.

But I have to remember...

"A leap of faith is all it takes." I heard a voice say and looked behind me, seeing Nico in a blue hoodie and black jeans, he was wearing some sneakers.

Oh, his hair grew longer too. it seems like the more he uses his powers the longer his hair gets, right now it was at his shoulders. it still had that same dark green undertone but with bright green neon streaks.

"Miles is waiting for us. we don't have any time to waste." Nico said and reached for my hand, I took it and he wrapped his arms around my waist and webbed his way towards the destination miles was.


We made our way onto the roof and sat next to miles, he looked over at us and we looked at him. we all sent each other a nod and stared down at the streets of brooklyn.

We put on our masks, I looked at Nico's to see he had on a green suit with neon colors which were green. miles had a black suit.

"We stick together." Miles said while holding up his fist, me and nico, we held up ours too as we fist bumped each other, "always." we said in sync.

We saluted each other and i leaped off the building, nico following right after me and we took our leap of faith. miles following right after us.

I was hesitant at first but all that instantly washed away when I swung with my webs and onto the streets of Brooklyn, Miles and Nico beside me.

I was actually doing it, no more failing anymore. I would actually not make mistakes for once, Nico was swinging gracefully as a blur of green woodshed right past me and miles.


We all yelled in sync, I focused on getting used to the webs. my feet hitting the ground for a minute until I swung again.


—— NICO.


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