🕷 012. | who we are

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After saving the people in India me and Nico barely talked, it was like he was avoiding us. now he was starting to act all dark and brooding which annoyed me.

Nico glanced over at Miles who was looking at him with a frown, Nico stared down at the dark portal that was now taking a glitching building with it.

he heard a whistle which echoed and it sent a chill down his spine, he knew he wasn't supposed to be here.

That's when I looked above us and saw some type of spider ship? I didn't know how to say it. it landed on the ground and I watched a bunch of spider people come out of it.

"Okay guys. secure the area clear all civilians..." I saw it was a spider-woman and my eyebrows furrowed.

Nico sighed and continued to stare at the dark portal slowly sinking more cities inside, "This is gonna get worse." he whispered to himself.

"Is everything going to be okay?" Pavitr asks, I looked down again. spot seemed very angry once before, I don't think everything's gonna be okay.

"[Name], let's go! we're about to head with them." Miles said and grabbed my hand, I took it and looked over my shoulder towards Nico who glared at us.

Probably still angry from earlier. I don't get it though, we just wanted to go on an adventure.

We both headed inside the portal and miles wrapped his hands around my waist while holding onto me tightly.

We landed inside some type of elevator, I looked over at Hobie who took his mask off. he winked over at me and I waved, Hobie was literally so awesome man.

Nico glanced over at Hobie and sent him a small wave, "You seem cool lil man." Hobie said and nudged Nico's shoulder and Nico smiled briefly before it quickly went away.

EARTH - 928

I stared at the buildings outside of the elevator, a smile graced its way onto my lips as I looked at everything in amazement.

"Hey, over here." Gwen whispered to us and we turned around, the elevator doors opened and we made our way to the outside.

"Yo, this place is wild." Miles commented and I nodded in agreement, Nico was walking with his arms crossed while staring ahead.

No smile came from him or anything, he just looked drained. he wasn't supposed to be here, none of us was.

God there was so many spider people, "This is unbelievable." Miles says while looking around.

"This is the lobby." Gwen says, she's saying it like there's mor-...

Well, there is more. good grief there was so many of them, I keep forgetting we aren't the only ones.

I started glitching and fell next to miles who glitched as well, Nico glitched too and he kneeled to the ground.

"Uh-oh." I heard Hobie say and he looked concerned.

Spider-woman came over and handed us watches which we took, we immediately stopped glitching.

Nico looked down at the tip of his fingers and they started growing darker. his hands shook slightly and when he looked around everything around him look like it was going grey. he shut his eyes and opened them again, the colors changing back to normal.

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