🕷 010. | friendship

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          CH010 : FRIENDSHIP

Ah, okay. so now we're back in my POV. to say the least, I've started to grow a crush on miles too. but I can't have everyone— what am I gonna tell nico? nope, I'll just keep it to myself.

I was wearing my suit and sat on a rooftop, I heard there was someone..robbing a store? I was wondering where miles was.

I slowly camouflaged my way into the store and watched closely as I looked at the scene closely. was he trying to— steal out of a ATM?

I think I already knew his intentions but I kept watching, "'scuse me, do you have uh, an ATM machine?" the guy asks.

"Yeah, around here in the back." The store owner answers, suddenly my spidey-senses went off and I looked down at my hands..where was that coming from?

"Preferably not chained to the wall...?" The guy said again and the store owner turned to him, "What?" the store owner says.

"Uh, nothing! This should be simple enough. Just make a hole, grab the money...Oh, that's not right. Just give— Ugh, gimme your money! Where are you, money, where are you? C'mere—! Wait—!" I just watched as he desperately tried getting the money out of the ATM.

"Hey, who left this ATM on the sidewalk!"

I heard someone yell and I looked over at the guy again, "Yo! what you doin' back there, man?" the store owner asks.

"Nothing! Nothing! Everything is— Everything's cool, man! 's all good! just forgot my PIN number!" The guy replies.

I sat there and watched all of this go down, a chuckle escapes my lips and someone appeared beside me.

Nico was here. and I thought I was doing this alone, "funny scene here aye?" he says and I nod in reply.

"Get yourself out of here!"

"Ah! No! Sir, please just let me rob you!"

The store owner says something me and Nico can't understand, but I continued to watch.

"Whoa! there's no reason to bring wood into this! I've never robbed anyone before, please don't make this a bad experience for me!"

"Bad experience?! I'm trying to run a business here!"

"I have this whole— oh, wow, is this curry powder? well, see, I'm a scientist. or, I was— I am."

"Get out of here!"

"Anyway, you heard of Alchemax? I used to- I used to work there. I was actually considered handsome by scientists standards. I had a little accident! Aah! now look at me! I'm so sorry! first of all, I'm not even robbing you, I mean, this ATM machine doesn't even belong to you, right? this belongs to the bank! they're the real criminals!"

"You're the real criminal! you're robbing me!"

"Y'know, I can't really get anywhere anymore, being like this, so I've turned to a life of crime, I'm having trouble finding a—"

I felt a soft kiss being placed on my neck by the one person I knew who was miles, that was unexpected but I didn't care either. I blushed underneath my mask and Nico squinted his eyes but not towards us, the guy who was trying to rob the store.

𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐄 , ᴵⁿᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵖⁱᵈᵉʳᵛᵉʳˢᵉ & ᵃᶜʳᵒˢˢ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵖⁱᵈᵉʳᵛᵉʳˢᵉWhere stories live. Discover now