꧁ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨 ꧂

68 13 79

Chapter Song: Midnight Sky 🌠 Miley Cyrus


Anticipation swirled in Bakugo's stomach all morning; since the moment he stood out of bed, his mind had been invaded with thoughts of Mrs. Kirishima's grandson.

What did his voice sound like? Was it deep and low, or maybe high and soft? What did he look like? Was he muscular, chunky, maybe skinny? What does he act like? Mean and lean or maybe soft, mature, and happy?

His mind couldn't cease wondering about everything and all things related to this mysterious male he would be meeting that day. The Blonde wished he could have gotten more information about the guy, maybe he could have bought him a gift. Unfortunately, that was impossible at the time. Katsuki still didn't even know why her grandson got kicked out of his parent's residence in the first place; and he still didn't feel like it was his place to ask. It wasn't any of his business to why the guy was kicked out, part of the Blonde felt disgusted in himself for thinking so much of someone he hasn't even met; it had to be some evasion of privacy, right?

The Blonde sighed. He could still have time to get a gift. It was only Ten-thirty, Mrs. Kirishima told him, via phone call, to be there by Twelve o' clock. The Blonde had a full hour and thirty minutes until he was originated to appear; leaving time for a short interval.

Katsuki still didn't know what he was going to get the male, the Blonde didn't even know what the other's interests were. The Blonde sure couldn't rely on luck if he was going to buy a gift for the guy, just look at his love life; twenty-two and still a virgin, as well as single.

Bakugo sighed once more, picking a gift was going to be harder then he originally intended. Unfortunately, it dosen't seem like it from the outside, but the Blonde does have a caring heart. No matter the trouble, he was determined to get a gift. The problem was, he didn't have one clue what to get.

He could grab lunch for the guy or maybe a coffee? No, that wouldn't do, he is living above a coffee shop; coffee is something he can get at anytime, same as food. Clothes and fashion is something the Blonde wouldn't dare put on the table, seeing as how he had no fashion sense what so ever. He could give the guy money, but that would make Katsuki seem cheap; plus, the Blonde's wallet was on a shortage of cash at the current moment.

Unexpectedly interrupting his thoughts, his phone started to ring in his pocket. He ignored it until it rang a second time, then a third time. At the fourth time, he grumbled curse words under his breath and pulled the damn phone out answered it with attitude.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?!? STOP FUCKING CALLING!!!" He shouted into his phone speaker.

"Katsuki, I have been trying to call you for the past five minutes. The one moment I get you on the phone, that iS HOW YOU FUCKING RESPOND TO ME?!?!? YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEAD!!!" A vicious voice roared to live on the line, a voice the Blonde feared the most in this world.

"Mom!?!" Katsuki responded with a confused voice.

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!! I WILL FUCKING BEAT YOUR ASS, KATSUKI!!!!" His mother's words gaining more venom.

"Geez Mom, it was just a mistake.."

"MISTAKE MY ASS!!!" She shouted with irritation. Katsuki let out a tired breath, dealing with his mother's attitude was tiring, but he had an idea that might work. He may never hear the end of it but he was willing to try.

"I thought you were someone else!" The Blonde responded, silencing the intimidating woman on the other end.

"Who were you expecting?" She asked, a certain tone Bakugo hated with a passion laced her voice.

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