Chapter 6

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Night fell peacefully on Amity Park and the Fentonworks that evening, with a beautiful sunset to boot. Camry made sure to get a snapshot of it from the vantage point of Jazz's bedroom window.

"I know I can't see you except with the mirror, but it makes the most sense for you to sleep in my room instead of Danny's," Jazz said while she got dressed for bed with her back turned to Camry.

Camry picked up the white board and dry erase marker Danny had retrieved from their parents' lab earlier, and she wrote a quick message saying, "It's fine, I don't really mind." It was the most effective way to talk to Jazz, who couldn't hear her at all.

Jazz had a vanity much like Sam's, though the one here was much less fitting for the gothic theme. The mirror had been angled to reflect more of the room, which gave Jazz a better range to see Camry's photo negative image.

"So, why did all of this happen to you?" Jazz asked curiously when she was finished and could sit down with her legs crossed on her bed.

Camry frowned as she wrote with the blue marker: "Can't remember."

"You can't? You lost your memory?" Jazz reiterated with surprise. "That's terrible!"

"I've tried to remember," Camry scribbled quickly. "Just can't. It sucks."

"Well, maybe I can help," Jazz offered optimistically. "I want to study psychology when I go to college, after all."

"Psychology is so awesome," the invisible girl agreed in writing while beaming toward the mirror. "If you wanna try, I guess it's worth a shot."

"Okay, okay. Hmm... Why don't you try to retrace your steps up until when you can't remember anything," Jazz suggested.

"Tried it. No dice," Camry replied sadly. "Just a blur after hearing a noise downstairs."

"You heard a noise? What kind of noise?" she pressed. "Try to think really hard."

Camry closed her eyes, thinking in the back of her mind that it was probably hopeless, and tried to relive that night when all of her problems began. Again, she was preparing to work on shortening her nails while she surfed the Web, and a sort of banging thump resonated from downstairs. The kitchen, wasn't it? 'It still feels like I left my oven on...' After almost a full minute of just sheer concentration, Camry had to give up and write out on the board, "Sorry, still can't remember."

"I'm sorry you can't remember," Jazz said honestly. "Maybe it'll come back with time. Well, let's go to sleep, and I'm sure tomorrow Danny will take you to the ghost he mentioned earlier. What was his name...?"

"Clockwork," Camry recalled easily. 'Wow, I can remember that with no trouble, but I can't remember how I got to be like this? What a great time for selective memory problems...'

"I hope he can help you, Camry." Jazz offered her a sincere smile, which she returned with gratitude.

"Thanks, Jazz," she wrote back. "You can call me Cam if you want, though. Most people do."

Camry's POV~

I'd felt tempted to write "My friends do," instead of "Most people," but I didn't have many of those back home and it was more honest this way. True, I had a best friend and she was really the only friend I needed in the world, but still... Being seen as the class weirdo and not real friend material by almost everyone my age kind of hurt.

"Cool," Jazz replied before sliding under her covers and getting comfortable. I was on the floor beside her bed and using some spare blankets and pillows for my own sleeping space. After two nights of sleeping outside in the cold, this was absolute bliss. And she had a throw rug on her floor, so my "mattress" wasn't just hardwood. "Are you ready?"

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