Chapter 22

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The above picture is from artist Michelle Czajkowski's full-color and incredibly amazing webcomic, Ava's Demon, which certainly inspired a good portion of Camry's powers. I highly recommend checking it out if you haven't seen/heard of it yet! The picture up there is mostly just to help illustrate one of the things Camry does in this chapter, which you'll read in just a bit. Thanks for listening~ Now, on to the chapter!


When dawn broke over the horizon, Dora rose from her bed with a smile on her face and a little pep in her step. Today was going to be such a good day, filled with training and exercises to help her young pupil learn to control her powers. She got dressed slowly, taking care in choosing the perfect outfit and accessories, and padded out into the hall to see if Camry was awake yet. While it was true that she tended to sleep less and less those days, it was an unspoken agreement that neither Dora nor Madison would try to rouse her until a somewhat normal time for humans to get up. Dora figured it had something to do with replenishing her emotional energy and giving her the solitude she needed to recover after a hard day's work.

She knocked lightly, waited a few seconds, and got no reply. Curious, she tried the knob and found it to be unlocked, so she cautiously peered inside for any signs of her student. The bright pink flower from Dora's garden stood up in its vase, as sturdy and undying as everything else in the Ghost Zone, and Camry's Polaroid camera lay on top of the rumpled bedspread. 'Well, if that's in here, she can't have gone far' Dora rationalized wisely. 'She never leaves anywhere without that device.'

Then an idea hit her, and with a soft smile Dora breezed down the stairs silently, her feet a few inches off the ground. When she arrived at a plain-looking wooden door, familiar giggling voices drifted through to reach her ears. Her hand found the knob and turned it, and the voices paused at her intrusion. 

"Oh, there you both are!" Dora gasped, taking in the sight of Madison and Camry flitting around a mannequin while their arms were full of cloth and sewing patterns. "Have you two been in here all night?"

"Madam!" Madison startled, her eyes wide as she realized her other duties had been neglected in favor of working on the project with Camry. "Oh, my goodness, I am so sorry! We must not have been watching what time it was--"

"A-And I kept trying to get more and more creative, so it's really all my fault--" Camry piped up quickly.

Dora giggled behind a gloved hand; their rapid excuses quieted. "I'm not mad at either of you. I was just wondering where you had gone off to. What have you been working on?"

"Oh, uhhh," Camry stammered as she struggled to shift the pile of supplies in her arms without dropping anything. 

"We were making Camry an outfit for when her training is complete," Madison answered. One of her hands shot out and braced a side of Camry's pile, which stopped rocking with her desperate attempts to keep it all in her arms. "So far, we've agreed on the shape of the bodice and the color scheme, but the rest is still undecided."

"Look at what Madison made!" Camry exclaimed right when Madison finished talking. The youngest of the three women present rushed to set down everything on the table, then dug around for whatever it was she wanted to show Dora. Her fingers latched onto the telltale gossamer cloth and pulled, freeing it from the stack of supplies. In the air, the sheer fabric fluttered behind the teen as she ran it over to the door. "She made it out of Arachne's ball of silk!"

Held up at the shoulders, the item appeared to be a short-sleeved shirt with a large, loose neckline. Its remarkable sheerness made it look like it barely weighed an ounce, and when Dora peered through it much of the color in the backdrop behind the shirt looked to have been leeched out of existence. 

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