Chapter 31

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"¡Espérame! Wait a sec, you two!" 



At the sound of Dude's voice Tucker and Camry whirled around to see him sprint through the barrier and take a running leap off the loading dock's edge. He flipped through the air for good measure-- it was a miracle his hat and hood stayed on-- and landed in a crouch before running to catch up with them. Dude looked out of breath, his face flushed with an indescribable emotion as he looked right at Relle. 

"Where-- Where did you get the stuff in this bag?" he demanded to know while holding up said drawstring sack. "And don't lie to me!"

His fierce tone pushed her into taking a step back and pressing her fists to her chest, but she didn't hesitate to tell him the truth. "It's all mine, Dude."

"But..." he said, and with both hands he wrenched the bag open so he could pull out her cell phone. "This is your phone?" 

"Yeah, it's my phone," Relle answered softly.

"And this-- this is your camera?" Her Polaroid was in his hand with its lens facing her. In its tiny black reflection, Camry caught a glimpse of a vague, glowing blue and gray shape that could only be her. 

With a gloved hand, she covered the lens and pushed his extended hand down a little to look up at him, right in the black opal eye. "Dude, it's me. I couldn't say anything with all those people around earlier, but I'm Camry."

They held each other's gazes for countless breaths as they searched for something different in the other's stare: Camry, for a spark of recognition, and Dude, for any trace of dishonesty. When he didn't find any, Camry saw exactly what she hoped for-- until he closed his eyes and sucked in a deep, slow breath. The Polaroid went into the bag, which then was set down on the ground carefully. As he moved, she began to apologize frantically, afraid that he was angry at her for lying to him.

"I-I'm so sorry I didn't tell you-- I just couldn't-- I didn't mean to disappear-- please don't be mad, Dude, I swear I didn't mean for any of this to happen--!"

"And that's where I stop you," he interrupted while holding up a hand like a stop sign, "because I just want to ask you one more thing so I know it's not a trick. What happened after parent teacher conferences freshman year?"

Throughout this entire exchange, Tucker watched the two of them like a spectator at a tennis match. Cam frowned, her eyebrows knitting together as she fought through her memories to find the specific event Dude was referencing. After a few seconds, an epiphany struck, and a soft smile spread over her face. 

"Your 'mom' gave me a little bouquet as a thank you gift for helping you get your grades up."

And suddenly she was being folded into a bone-breaking embrace, encircled by the rough material of his poncho and pressed close to the slightly taller boy. 

"I can't believe it-- It's really you! Cam, what happened to you? Where'd you go?" he asked, pulling back just enough to make eye contact. "Why'd you stay away for so long? We were so freakin' worried about you!"

"I--" she started to say, but then thought better of it and just yanked him down into another hug. "It's such a long story, Dude. You wouldn't believe most of it."

"After what's happened around here lately, I think I'm pretty much ready to believe anything at this point," he laughed wryly before literally picking her up and swinging her side to side with delight. "I'm so happy to see you again, chica!"

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