Chapter 39

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The rest of the day passed in a blur of color, motion, and sound. The Mahadeos' house was similar in architecture to the Dowells', except that their house was wider on the street side and therefore narrowed near the back, leaving their backyard slim and their front lawn much larger. The opposite was true for Camry's house: her backyard was large, and most of the rooms were concentrated to the rear of her house as a result of the strange design. Many of the more recent houses were like that, exhibiting rather unique traits that fit them together like jigsaw puzzle pieces.

A team effort was the main reason for why the Mahadeo household was up to Eleanor's cleanliness standards before the early winter sun could reach for the horizon, which was no longer masked by thick, grey cloud cover. Instead, the sunlight filtering down was sharp and offered little warmth, and the air gained an even crisper quality to it that bit at the back of everyone's throats. Around twenty minutes past three o' clock, every device that had both power and wifi connection capabilities came to life at once to broadcast the government's official report of Bailey Lake's current situation and eventual proceedings.

"The allegedly spectral perpetrator of recent events has been deemed missing in action as of this moment, and in twenty-four hours the quarantine barrier will be deconstructed to allow the coming and going of citizens," the well-dressed politician droned in front of the camera.
"Furthermore, we will be sending aid into the city in the form of food trucks, funded construction projects, and insurance to cover the cost of any damages that may have occurred during the length of the quarantine. All salvaged merchandise from the shelves of stores has been overlooked and labeled as inconsequential as of eleven-ten earlier this morning, and the retailers who suffered the losses will be repaid in full.

"Also, the anti-ecto missile launch scheduled for this evening has been called off, as our readings indicate it is no longer necessary to re-establish peace in the city of Bailey Lake. Any and all anti-ghost weapons doled out for protective measures are being recalled with absolutely no exceptions. We have dispatched animal control vehicles to return the escaped zoo animals back to safety..."

Upon hearing that specific part of the broadcast, both Saoirse and Camry's mothers raised curious eyebrows at the way the two girls hugged each other with what appeared to be utter relief. Their attention was drawn back to the suspended flat screen television to hear the rest of the announcements, which explained what they already knew: the cause for the 'perpetrator's' disappearance is still unconfirmed, all power and water utilities have been returned to the city, etc., etc.

Afternoon turned to evening, and by dinnertime the last of the clouds had drifted away, giving a perfect view of all seven moons hanging in the sky. The second one from the right was full, and all the others were in varying stages of waxing or waning with the first one on the left being a dim new moon. With their bellies full and warm clothes wrapped around their bodies, the three families enjoyed the little get-together to the maximum in light of the tragedy that had just transpired in their city.

When ten-thirty rolled around, Maria admitted to feeling tired and Harris wholeheartedly agreed. "I think I'll turn in soon," he announced, rising from the sofa and padding to the bathroom to wash up. Dude had been stuck with Aidan and Liam in their room for the night, not that he minded all that much, and Camry unsurprisingly claimed the carpeted floor of Saoirse's room. Ariadna remained with her mother in the living room only because she didn't want to be separated from someone with whom she could communicate.

Camry, Saoirse, and Dude had other plans, though. After snagging some warm blankets, a portable heater, and cushions to sit on, the three of them walked up the fire escape to the roof and set up camp to watch the stars. There were certainly a few things they needed to talk about without the parental units listening in, and it would be hard to explain the arrival of three new guests.

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