Part 13

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Here you guys enjoyJ 


I was heading upstate for a game but I was kind of nervous to showing Maya my mom. I mean as a kid my mom adored her. She always said we would be together when we grew up. To bad it took me this long to realize it. 

See to me it wasn’t about Maya just seeing my mom. It just meant a lot to me I’m not the toughest guy when I visit my mom. My talks with her are just as personal and emotional as I am with Maya. I wanted her to see that other side of me. A deeper side I guess. 

I sighed and leaned against the window with my earphones to my ears. Time to focus on this game…but for some reason I just couldn’t. So I forcedly shut my eyes. Coach took a seat next to me. 

“Hey man, you going to visit your mom after the game?” he replied. I nodded my head and took my earphones out of my head. “Yes Coach today’s her anniversary” I replied. Coach and my dad use to play together in their younger years. So when my mom died of cancer he always kept and eye on me. 

“Hows your dad doing?” he replied. I nodded my head. “Busy as usually, he’s out of state right now” I replied. He nodded his head and stood up. “That’s good man. Well lets bring this game home so & tribute this to your mom then” he replied. I nodded my head. “Everything is a tribute to my mom coach & maya” I replied. 

He smiled. “That’s good, you got a good friend with you man its tough times like this you‘ll really need one” he replied. I nodded my head. “Thanks Coach” I replied. I plugged my earphones back in my head and just went back to sleep. 


We arrived at our rivals school in 2 hours. All the boys got off the bus & I checked to see if anyone left anything. I got off the bus and caught up with my team. Everyone was in there own zone. We stretched as a team but this was our game that qualified us to states so it was a go big or go home kind of thing. 

My phone vibrated and I was kind of hoping it would. I already knew it was my babe texting me a good luck. I flipped through my phone & I was right.. 

>>> Hey babe, you got this. I love you so much. Bring this home baby & the reward will  

        Be me & you your bed or mines ;) 

I smiled & I had to admit I had to shift positions to cover how hard I was getting. I smiled and texted her back before I rounded the boys up to stretch as a team. 

<<<< “ MY BED it is;) Love you baby” I replied

Our team was on spot. I felt hyped and I felt ready. I could see it in everyone one of my team mates eyes that they wanted this much as I wanted. Good. We were on the same page. As I led them out too the court I could see my babe sitting way at the top. I smiled and winked at her. 

Her smile brought confidence back to me. I sighed. She had my Jersey on from my freshman year in high school and she looked fucking hot. Looking at my babe and I didn’t notice Brody.. My face hit smack into his back.

“You ok man?” he replied. I nodded my head and patted his shoulder. “I’m good man” I replied. He nodded his head and just patted my shoulder, shaking his head as if I was crazy. I looked over my shoulder, just in time to see Maya laughing at me, she winked at me, shook her hands as if she had coins in them and blew me a kiss. 

My smile grew even brighter and my heart warmed. I wanted  to run up those stairs and take her home already. I caught that imaginary kiss, pounded my two hands together to my lips and pointed up at the sky. She smiled even brighter, an old tradition of ours that I could never forget. In the early months after my mom had passed away Maya and I came up with this good luck signal or a tribute to my mom before and after every basketball game. We never did it in football games because my mom loved basketball. She was crazy for the Lakers. 

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