Part 10

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Hey guys:) Sorry I took so long:) So, I came to a epiphany while I was out surfing with a couple of friends If you live in HI you would know that Wave Swells might be big enough to surf the EDDIE tomorrow!!!! && its a fanatical classic!! Well anyways and I was thinking to myself, Man Like I get so sad when people don't comment& vote well especially comment. ...I came to a conclusion that I as much as I want you to COMMENT & VOTE.. I'm going to try to not pay no mind to it cause Surfing is my life and even though I'm not a pro at it.. I still love the same with writing..anyways thats why I took so long because of the surf swells and we only get good surfs after Christmas time.& if the surf is good tomorrow then I'll try & update this in 3 days at the soonest:( Sorry:) 


I awoke to the most beautiful girl in the world in my arms. Her soft breathing told me that she was still asleep. I sighed, If I could lay here forever with this girl, I honestly would. 

I felt her fingers trail up and down my arms that was wrapped around me. 

“Hey sleeping beauty” I replied. “Hmmm?” she replied sleepily. I didn’t blame her, just the feel of her made me want her all over again. After the 4th time of making love I knew we were never going to get bored. 

She turned in my arms to face me. A smile already on her face. “Hey” she replied. I smiled and kissed her forehead,  trailing my lips down her soft face. She moaned a little a reached up to hold my face. 

She giggled as I kissed her urgently and probably because she could already feel my need. She shook her head and leaned away a little. Now she made me groan. I sighed. 

“Whats wrong?” I smiled. She shook her head. “ Uhm, if we don’t get up, were going to miss our morning class” she replied. 

“No were not” I smiled and pulled her closer to me. 

She laughed and fell into my embrace and our lips met. She shook her head and smiled as the alarm on my phone went off. “Shit” I replied. She smiled and quickly ran into the bathroom completely naked. My mouth dropped open at the sight of her, then as she reached the door she seductively looked back at me. 

“I think I’m going to need my help washing my hair” she pouted. I got up quickly and smiled slyly at her. 

“I’ll help you with that” I replied happily. She smiled and walked into the bathroom with me trailing right after. 


I sighed we were holding hands in the car but as soon as we opened the doors I would have to walk to school with out his hands with mines and practically keep my feelings for him friend neutral 

“ I know, I feel you on that one too” he replied. I grimaced at him as I watched him grab his bag and check it he had his shoes and everything what not. He looked at me and sighed. I wouldn’t be able to see him all day, not even in class. He wanted to give Layla space since she had called him 6 times last night. 

I felt like a clingy girl but I didn’t care, after the amazing night we had. I wanted to be with him all the time. Today felt even longer and I knew with his basketball season starting up, it meant longer practices and shorted nights. 

His parents were still out of town so their was plus side to that. My parents were out of town too so the whole sleepovers were good to go. 

I sighed. “Can’t we just skip today” I pouted. He lifted up my hanging face and kissed me on the forehead. “I promise, I’ll stay up all night to play with you tonight” he replied. He looked hesitant and I knew right then and there that he was struggling with it too. 

In love w/ my bestfriend.Where stories live. Discover now