Part 7

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Allison's POV

The more I wander down this corridor, the more turns there are and it's also making me way more lost.

I've officially been lost now for 3 hours, I hear people talking about where they want to go and where they are heading, so I walk towards the voices for no one to be there.

I hate myself and I hate this castle.

I've left my phone and wand in my dorm cause I didn't plan on getting lost today.

I'm now sat in the floor bored out of my mind.

If anyone tells you that "hogwarts isn't even that big" or "there aren't that many corridors in hogwarts" they are liars and you should hex them while you have the chance.

So far no one has come down this corridor like what the hell, surely a normal human being would walk down this corridor but clearly not.

It's now lunch, the only way I'm able to tell is cause everyone has rushed down to the great hall. I heard a couple first years shout something about food I don't know what it was that they said but they said something.

I'm back walking around hogwarts, I've found a tower so I'm walking up the stairs maybe I can see where I am or in best case I can jump off.

I get to the top of the tower and their is wooden plaque with gold letters that read "astronomy tower" great now I'm in the stars.

I walk over to the edge of the tower, there's a wooden board which has no railing so I sit at the edge with my legs dangling down.

Honestly I'm surprised no one has come looking for me I've been gone for like 4 or 5 hours.

Shit I did say I was going to look around.

Honestly it's peaceful up here, no one to disturb your thoughts and you can't hear anything.

I turn around to get up to find that I can't, I've had breakfast so it's not low blood sugar, fuck. I haven't taken my meds.

Ok now I'm panicking I can't go longer then 12 hours without my meds.

So I can't walk so I'm crawling to a wall Incase i pass out. God if anyone comes up there gonna think I've been railed and I can't walk cause if that.

As soon as I get to the wall my vision starts to get blurry. God why can't passing out be quick. Better question why do I have to be meds.

And soon enough my vision is completely gone and my hearings gone.

What's more annoying is that I can't even wake up without someone giving me my meds even if that means by an IV.

And I'm now going unconscious...

Jake's POV

We're in the common room about to leave for lunch when I realise that Alli hasn't come back from wandering around the school.

Man I hope that she is in the canteen getting food, wait she would if needed to come back to the common room for her meds, oh shit. "guys where's Molly" I turn to look at the group. "She is in her room" ok I can use this "I'm going to get Molly" everyone nods so I walk off.

"Molly can you open the door" I say pounding in the door.

"Jesus hold on" she says shouting. She opens the door and I burst into the room.

"What are you doing" she says looking at me confused.

"Where's my sisters stuff" I'm worried, she could be passed out anywhere if she hasn't taken her meds.

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