🇨 🇭 🇦 🇵 🇹 🇪 🇷 3

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Time skip: 7 months later...

Ren's Pov

"It feels kinda wierd now going at a live concert knowing I've got you watching me backstage hah.." Ominous told me scratching his neck. "It's not that I'm going to... do anything anyways." I reply reassuring him. "Well my fans need to know I have the most amazing boyfriend in the world don't they?" Ominous replies with pride, while I just started blushing. We started dating like 2 months ago and ominous has always been eager to make it public but.. well I wasnt. Of course he asked me first and I agreed but I still didn't know if I was ready.. I already told him yes though and he looks so excited... I can't let him down like this. "Hey babe are you ok? Having second thoughts on this? We don't have to come out public if you don't want to." Ominous says as he cups my cheek. "O-OH uhm n-no I just uhm...s-spaced o-out..?" I say nervously. I'm doing it for him anyways doesn't matter whether I like it or not. "Alright if you say so.. I've got to go now.. I'll see you when the concert is over!" He says before kissing my cheek and going into the stage. Man I love this guy so much. I get closer to the stage as Ominous was just saying some stuff to his fans. He then grabs the mic and starts singing

...I would take bullet, give my life in a second if it came down to it..

Sacrifice anything to see the light in your eyes, I swear I'd do it...

When you're down and you feel low..

When your world starts to crumble...

When you think that there's no hope...

I got you...

Once the song finished it was followed by clapping and chanting of Ominous's name. That was a song that I've heard him sing to me multiple times, probably was just asking my opinion for it heh..

"Thank you everyone! Thank you so much! This song was dedicated to all of you but especially someone who is very dear to me... So, if you would mind coming out..." I hear Ominous say as he looked at me, well not directly but he probably knew I was right behind there. I take a deep breath and walk out of the backstage.
I could feel so many eyes watching me, I felt like every single inch of me was being judged that exact second that I got out. I didn't even know If I could go on I freezed but Ominous looked at me with a reassuring look, almost as I'd he was telling me "It's going to be alright" So just walk over to him and look over to the crowd. It wasn't one of the best situations I would like to be in but I was with ominous, so whatever was going to happen he was with me and we were going go through it together. "So everyone, this is my boyfriend, Ren, and I love him more that anything" he says as he holds my hand and slowly rubs it with his thumb. That sentence was followed with the crowd sounding really exited. Huh maybe it wasn't that bad. All of a sudden they were chanting my name and I panicked. Did they want to me to say something or what? Ominous looks at me and says "I think that they want you to say something" He says as he smiles at me. I mumble something under my breath as I really didnt want anyone to hear me. The crowd went silent as it looked like they realized I said something. This didn't make things any better. Crap I can't start crying right now people will think Ominous forced me into this when he didnt. I'm panicking for no reason again. "Hey hey! Calm down it's alright you don't have to do anything you don't want to" Ominous tells me in a soft tone, cupping my cheek. I have to do this, it's for him. "No uhm i-its fine i g-guess" i say as i look at him. He smiles at me and hands me the microphone and i take it. I take a deep breath before i say something. I had to nake sure i made a good impression of myself to the crowd. I mean people were going to remeber this or even worse, record it! Alright its just a hi or hello it cant, be that hard..
"Ok uhm He-I MEAN hi-wait no Hello..?" I say before handing back the mic to ominous and shutting myself before I say something worse. Crap did I really mess up THAT badly? I Cant even say a hi anymore. I feel a tear run down my cheek. Of course, I'll just start crying like I always do, cause I'm nothing but a little crybaby. "Hey hey! You did great I'm glad you did that you tried your best that's what matters! " Ominous says as he tries to comfort me. I could hear snickering, Laughing and giggles in the crowd. They're laughing at me. "If you want to you can go now you don't have to stay.." Ominous says as he looks up to me with a concerned look. "No,no I'm fine hah.." I say wiping my face with my sleeve. Ominous looks at me then looks at the microphone and he looks as if he just got an idea. He get the mic closer to his face and speaks into it. "Hey everybody isn't he just adorable as hell I mean look at him!" He says as I start blushing. It was followed with the crowd saying "Awh" and "Yes". I put on my hood and pulled the strings so I could hide the fact I was blushing as hell but it didn't really do anything did it? "See they like you no need to over-think it!" Ominous says as he rubs my back. I hum a response as I watch the crowd. But something was off.. I could hear what seemed like someone cutting something... From above us. I look up and before i could even think there was a stage light falling, that was about to hit ominous. It was the only thing I could do so I...


No no no no... this can't be happening... REN PLEASE

I'm calling an ambulance please hold on with me...

I can't loose you too please...


Where... Am I..? Am I dead?? Is it finally.. over...? Wait what about ominous... well it was either me or him I just hope he's alright now... Am I... Above the clouds... crap my head hurts... Wait who are they...?

"Welcome, Ren Leaf."

𝙰 𝙶𝙸𝙵𝚃 𝙵𝚁𝙾𝙼 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙳𝙴𝚅𝙸𝙻- 𝙰 𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚏 𝚙𝚘𝚟Where stories live. Discover now