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"There's an event tonight,it's important so don't screw things up again."

Zhang hao nods,watching as hanbin disappears for work.

The evening came by sooner than expected,before he knew it,the chinese boy was stood beside his husband and welcoming guests into the large corporate hall.He was dressed formally,a dark red tinted suit to match his auburn hair.

No low cut shirts this time,he wasn't risking it.

Hanbin looked as perfect as ever,like a ken doll or a male drama lead,his hair was styled and his face was sharp.

To any normal personal,they'd look like a perfectly perfect couple,but in reality such romance was only a false lead in their case.

Zhang hao clutched his stomach.

In all truth,he'd been feeling horrible the last few weeks and it had gotten worse within the past two days.

He hadn't had a proper meal that entire day,only two small snacks,now he regretted that decision of course,being on an empty stomach made his migraines far worse.

Zhang hao had always struggled with headaches,but it hadn't been this bad since exam season in high school.He was too scared to tell Hanbin,remembering what the younger man had told him in the morning,but eventually the pain got too overwhelming for the Chinese boy,with so many people around,the voices were becoming blurred and he felt his body loosing energy.

He stumbled before clinging onto Hanbins left arm for support,hiding his face into his husbands back.Back in high school,hanbin would embrace him into endearing hugs when he struggled,and this was the closest thing hao was getting as of now.

Hanbin continued to finish greeting the last guest,before turning around to face the older man,he acted cold and seemed visibly annoyed.

He tried to pull zhang hao off of him by removing the other man's hold on his arm,hao in return whimpered,pushing his head into hanbins chest instead now,feeling the younger boys male cologne pressed up onto him.This was the most affectionate they had been in two months.Except it was one sided,so could it really be called affection?

"Zhang hao,what on earth are you doing?"Hanbin lowly questions,lowering his head slightly as he does.

"Oh,Hanbin I-"Zhang hao struggles to finish his sentence,he feels another wave of tiredness hitting him like whiplash,he closes his eyes but opens them again when he hears Hanbins voice.

"You what Zhang Hao?Use your words"Hanbins tone starts to get sharper,he's losing his patience.

"I don't feel well"Hao pushes out,his voice only just loud enough for his husband to hear,His hands grasp onto the fabric of hanbins suit,to which Hanbin grabs the boys waist to try and stable him.

"Get over it Zhang hao,Suck it up"

Hanbin takes no care for the older man,Dismissing his pain with cruel words that cut deeper than knives.

Zhang haos eyes begin to brim with tears that he knows he can't let out.So he quickly wipes them away,and attempts to pull away from Hanbins embrace,the world feels like it's spinning,His body temperature is rising with each second."I can't do this,Please i'm begging."

Zhang hao pleads one last time,but Hanbin to no surprise refused to acknowledge him.

Zhang hao lets out a pained sigh,he tried his best to follow behind Hanbin without getting lost or caught into the other crowds,he also spared effort to trying to stable himself without having someone to hold on to.

Hanbin is too busy with whatever his work needs,the multi millionaire business his father had handed down to him was clearly more valuable than his ill husband.

Hanbin walks too fast,his long strides were hard to follow behind for zhang hao,who's practically limping behind him now.

Some of Hanbins Co workers try to talk to zhang hao,smiling at him and asking Hanbin about his husband,Zhang hao can do nothing but smile back,he think if he tries to move his mouth and get words out he really and truly might pass out.

He's zoned out as he stands beside hanbin,he can't do it anymore,he grabs hanbins hand one last time,before finally falling to the ground.

Hanbins eyes widen as he catches zhang haos limp,fragile body in his arms,he curses under his breathe and hands the boy over to security,"take him to Seoul hospital,i'll be with you in thirty minutes."

Hanbin has one last person he needs to meet,and to no surprise he wasn't letting zhang hao get in the way of that.Once he does what he needs to,he  gets in his car,slamming the door,clearly irritated.Was he worried?Kinda.

"Did someone called Zhang hao check in,he passed out and i need to see him."

The old lady at the hospital reception nods with a smile,"and who are you in relation to Mr.Zhang?"

"I'm his husband."Hanbin confidently proclaims,he watches as the woman's face rises with surprise before a warm smile re appears on her face."Room 21,second floor"

Hanbin opens the door,Zhang hao is asleep on the hospital bed,he looked so peaceful,so pretty and it starts to make The younger boy feel bad for the way he treats him,but it's not enough.

Hanbin fights the urge to stroke his husbands pretty face and to kiss his pink lips.

However His thoughts are interrupted when a nurse comes in,the woman tells Hanbin about how Zhang hao was assumed to be suffering by migraines from sources like stress and anxiety,She then asks him if there was anything at home that could be causing such symptoms,Hanbin pauses,in his head realising how much of a shit husband he was,so he sighs and finally answers,"we've been arguing a lot,recently"

She nods understandingly,"common between couples don't worry,just take it easy on him,his iron is low,and he's in a weak state".

Hanbin just nods in return,that night he takes zhang hao home,lifting his still asleep body,that was limp and light into his arms,carrying the older man in bridal style into their apartment,before setting him down on the bed,giving him both time and space to rest.

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