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And sure enough,there they were,sat in Hanbins black Mercedes,pushing through the two hour drive to Hanbins cabins.

Hanbin wasn't the type to listen to music,so poor zhang hao was on the verge of death by boredom,sure,his phone was there,but that wasn't merely enough for Zhang hao.

So he resorted to sleeping instead.

Hanbin kept one firm hand on the wheel,turning his head every now and then to take glances at his sleeping husband,cute,he thought.

Zhang haos sleeping habits were even cuter however,he'd whimper and also tended to mumble inaudible words throughout his slumber.

Hanbin groaned as he heard Zhang haos third fit of sleep talking,this time he could make out more of the words.

He cocked his head to the side to grant himself better access to do so,"Ngh-Hanbin",Zhang hao moaned out,his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth slightly agape.

The younger boys eyes darkened as a wave of realisation cursed through him at the thought of his husband dreaming of him like this out of desperation.

He struggled to focus on the road as the whimpers and moans continued,eventually resorting to just waking zhang up,with a small nudge.

"Hey,you were sleep talking again",he informs the dazed older man,"i was?",he asks back to which he receives a nod.Zhang hao feels his ears bloom with a shade of red,god knows what he was dreaming about.

It doesn't take zhang hao long to begin to doze off again excepts he's awoken for a second time,this time by the sound of rain smashing against the window he had leaned his head accross.

He watched as his husbands eyes trailed the motorway,his attention being caught on a traditional korean stew restaurant lit up with pretty fairy lights in a background so dark and gloomy.

His stomach grumbled at the thought of eating and he winced at the embarrassment,seeing hanbin turn his head through his peripheral vision.


Zhang hao nods.

"Let's eat here."Hanbin claims,turning the vehicle towards the desired destination.

Zhang hao sighs in relief,who knew that car sleep could make you so famished.

The rain outside seemed to grow more violent by each passing second,Hao did his best to sheild his rather fragile body from the cold wet,his attempts were in vain however,as he felt his clothes begin to dampen.

Hanbin looked behind,taking a halt to his wide strides,grabbing The other man's pale wrist in his hand,as he did so,pulling the others limp body into his embrace,protecting him from the rain shower.

As the finally entered the warm interior they were welcomed with a calm old woman whom took the both into their own dining room.Zhang hao felt his face blossom one again with red tint,his hair only slightly damp,whereas his husbands dark brown strands soaked.

The chinese man only quietly looked down and observed as Hanbin ordered for him,picking at his fingernails.

His face only finally shifted when he saw the food set infront of him,taking not yet another wasted minute to slip into his noodle stew.

Hanbin observed the other man,noting to himself  of how much his husband resembled a hungry racoon,in a cute way.

As the red haired racoon boy in question lifted his bowl to his lips to finish the soup,his eyes scanned the menu printed into the table below,one word seemed to almost illuminate,the word soju in bright bold letters,

He immediately looked up at hanbin,waiting for the other man to make eye contact with him before plea fully pointing at it on the menu.

His eyes growing wide and puppy like,Zhang hao had been sober for too long,he longed for both the taste and excitement that drinking would give him.

Hanbin sighed,"Fine.",A smile seemed to plant itself onto Zhang haos face,growing with every second,"Not too much Okay?",Zhang hao nods in return taking the bottles and glasses from the waitress with a fulfilled smile.

So much for not too much.Hanbin thought as he lifted his drunk husband outside and through to his designated passenger seat.

Zhang hao had gone slightly overboard with the drinks,too much for his own good.

He was the clingy type of drunk.Meaning he latched himself onto Hanbins neck the minute the man secured himself into the car seat with his seatbelt.

Placing soft lazy kisses with his wet lips all over the younger man's neck.Hanbin ushered him away,pulling away only to be grabbed back by the face into a messy kiss.

Sober thoughts or not,Zhang hao kissed him.

Hanbin moved away again,this time pinning the older man's hands onto his lap,crushing any possible interaction.

This was a bad idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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