15.5 • Trusted

32 7 1

Haemi x JK

• T h e N e x t M o r n i n g •

 Haemi woke up comfortably in JK's arms. She couldn't explain how but he made her feel like a woman. Even talking about him to the girls made her blush at times. She traced along the body art on his strong arm. JK slowly woke up from the tickling caresses. "Hi," he said in a morning voice that sent eagles down her belly.

 "Hello," she replied, still caressing his arm. She stared at the different drawings. "Why do you only have one arm done?" she asked about his tattoos.

 JK looked at his arm. "Isn't this enough?" He asked, looking offended.

 Haemi giggled, making him stare at her smile. "It is! I'm just curious!" She corrected. "Was it too painful?" She teased.

 JK chuckled. "It really hurt near the wrist..." he admitted. "But nothing I can't handle," he shrugged.

 Haemi looked up at him with big eyes. "Do you think it would look good on me?"

 JK raised an eyebrow. "I'm against it," he stated.

 She blinked. "Not what I asked. Are you my dad?" She chuckled. "I want one 'cause it's beautiful," she replied.

 JK shook his head, making a cross with his hands. "Nope. You can't. Ugly," he lied.

 Haemi rolled her eyes and sat up, slightly annoyed. "I'm older than you. I can do what I want," she reminded the boy.

 JK chuckled when he pulled her back to him. "If you want permanent body scars, I can just give you hickeys every day," he teased.

 Haemi squealed when she felt his lips on her neck, making goosebumps travel to her arms. "Do that before I get that tattoo and become ugly, then," she shook the goosebumps away.

 He took a good look at her. "Where do you want it?" he asked.

 "Inner thigh."

 He rolled his eyes. "No way," he complained. His true reason was that he didn't want her to grow addicted. Also, there was no way he'd let a guy touch her this way, but he would never admit it.

 Haemi got up from the bed, sighing. "Again, I wasn't asking for permission..."

• T h a t E v e n i n g •

Azabu, Tokyo
Dynasty Hospital

 Haemi looked for JK's car. She noticed him writing when she walked to it. JK quickly put his paper away and let her come in. "What were you doing?" she asked.

 JK shook his head. "Nothing. You don't have anything planned, right?"

 Haemi shook her head. "It's late. I'm ready to go home," she confirmed.

 "We'll make a quick stop. Well, maybe not that quick," he corrected, eyeing her. She didn't seem to mind. Haemi pulled out her phone and looked through her social media as JK drove to their destination.


Nakameguro, Tokyo
Yu brothers' apartement

 Haemi was slightly annoyed when JK asked her to come with her. "I thought it was a quick stop. Can't I stay in the car?" she asked as JK opened the door.

 "Stop complaining. Jeez..." he sighed.
Haemi looked around the apartment. "You live here?" she asked, taking her shoes off. She walked in, inspecting the place. It looked nice but bland, lacking personality.

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