The shadow

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''Just wait here'', Harry said.

He ran upstairs and into the Gryffindor common room. A few minutes later they all three came back.

''Let's go, then'', I said, and we all walked down the stairs and outside.

We knocked on Hagrid's door, and we could hear  Fang baeking behind the door.

He opened the door, and invited us to come inside and have a cup of tea. We sat down, and took a sip.

''So, Hagrid, I thought about something. Could we go in the Forbidden Forest and see the Thestrals?'', I asked him. Harry, Ron and Hermione was looking at me a bit questioning, since I usually don't have any interest in animals.

''Uhm - Sure! I just have to find some meet and then we're ready to go!'', He said.

We walked outside the hut and walked towards the forest.

It felt like we had been walking for hours, and we kept asking Hagrid if we were close.

Some time later Hagrid finally stopped. I could see some chains, but I wasn't able to see the Thestrals.

''Where are they?'', Hermione and I asked at the same time.

''Can you see the chains? Look closely; they're moving.'', Hagrid answered.

I suddenly heard some branches crack. Like someone was walking some feet away from me. I looked backwards but I couldn't see anything or anyone. Harry, Ron and Hermione went closer to the Thestral to feed it, but I went the other way, trying to find out who or what made the noise. I didn't look back one time, I was too curious so I kept concentrating about the noise. I walked further and further into the forest, and some time had gone by and I suddenly couldn't hear Hermione, Ron, Harry og Hagrid anymore. 

I stopped as I saw a dark shadow walking towards me. I took my wand, but it was too late. I saw a red light, and I fell to the ground.

I opened my eyes very slowly, and I could feel that I was sitting in a chair. I didn't have my wand, and I couldn't move at all. I realized some ropes was holding my arms to the chair. The room I was sitting in was very dark, but I luckily had a good talent to see in darkness so I quickly recognized the room. I was in an empty drawing room at the Malfoy Manor.

The same dark shadow came closer to me from a corner.

I know recognized the person too - Bellatrix Lestrange.

''Hello, Black''

''You know, I could actually say the same to you, Black.''

''Yes, the Black family. Your father ruined everything about our family.'', She took her wand and her dagger. 

''And why exactly, am I placed in this chair right now, Lestrange?'', I asked.

She looked at me and smirked. I was thinking of what time it was, where Harry, Ron, Hermione and Hagrid were. Were they looking for me?

She binded up the rope that was holding my left arm to the chair, and she quickly grabbed it afterwards. She started cutting with her dagger in my arm, but I didn't want to satisfy her, so I didn't show how painful it was. I took a deep breathe. She cut deeper and deeper into my skin, and I couldn't stand it out anymore.


She ignored me and continued her cutting while she was laughing.

Narcissa suddenly came into the room. Pointed her wand at Bella and used a spell to throw the dagger out of her hand. Bella looked really annoyed at Cissy.

''You dare to touch that girl again, Bella'', she said while she walked to me and binded up the other rope. Bella stood up.

''I was just having some fun with the little Black girl here. Is that illegal from now, or what?'', Bella said very angrily.

I stood up. My arm was still bleeding.

''How am I supposed to get back to Hogwarts now? I can't apparate.'', I asked.

''You can use the Floo Network. There's a fireplace over there.'', Cissy answered.

''Thank you, Cissy.''

''Oh, and Emma'', she took a little bag out of her pocket. ''Give this to Draco.''

I nodded and I walked towards the fireplace and took some Floo Powder. Cissy switched on the fireplace, and I was about to walk into the flames, but Bella stopped me.

''Lucky Cissy saved you this time.'', she had taken her dagger and she quickly cut a line on my cheek, before I could act. I sent her an angry look, and walked into the emerald green flames.

I landed in Professor Snape's office. I quickly held my hand up to my cheek. I took it down, when I realized he wasn't there. I quickly ran out of the room and down to my common room. 

''Black? What's wrong with you?'', Draco asked as soon as I walked inside.

I threw the bag, Cissy gave me, to him.

''From your mum. Don't ask me what it is, because I don't know'', I said as I sat down beside him at the couch. We were the only Slytherins in the common room.

''You didn't answer my question.'', He said. He didn't even take a look inside the bag, he just put it on the table beside him.

''I think it's pretty obvious. Don't act stupid, Malfoy.'', I said.

''You - You didn't call me Malloy this time.'', he looked at me very surprised. ''Okay, but why? And how did you get there?''

I stood up.

''You know Bella. She's able to get what she wants, when she wants it'', I realized I had to find Harry, Hermione and Ron. ''I have to go.'' I smiled at him, and walked outside the common room and upstairs. I luckily saw Harry, Ron and Hermione on their way into their common room.

Hermione spotted me. ''EMMA! Where have - Oh, what happened?''

''B- I mean... I got lost. Just - Forget it, okay? I'm fine.'', I looked at Harry.

''But your arm!'', Ron said.

''I said I'm fine! Just forget it'', I smiled at them. ''Goodnight'' 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2013 ⏰

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