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Miranda and Ben met when they were 9 years old and have been best friends ever since. She wasn't expecting them to click so well, considering she was so sheltered.

*9 years ago*

Miranda sat in her tree as she read a book. It was a Saturday afternoon. She had about another good 3 hours before the street lights came on, and she would have to sit on her "perfectly good porch swing" in her mother's words.

"Hey, how did you get up there?" Someone questioned.

Miranda pushed her glasses to her face, looking down at the boy with a blue shirt on and shorts. He had his bike against his leg, waiting for her to answer.

"I climbed up here," Miranda answered nonchalantly, turning to her book.

Ben looked up at the title of her book.

"Time snatcher. The uncle was bad.. he kidnapped those kids to grow his business. The main character ends up getting adopted by a nice family, and it ends."

"Hey now, why would you go and ruin the ending." Miranda snapped, getting down.

"So you can talk to me." Ben laughed.

"Maybe I didn't want to. My book was getting good." She expressed.

"I have the second book if you want it." He said sheepishly.

"Is that your apology, john?"

"Who's John?" Ben questioned, confused.

"John doe. Since you haven't told me your name."

My name is Benjamin Warren, but my friends and family call me Ben."

"Seeing as though I am neither. Hi Benjamin, I'm Miranda Bailey."

"Nice meeting you, Miranda Bailey." He smiled, pronouncing her name slowly.

"I wish I could say the same." Miranda giggled.

"You hurt my heart," Ben responded, putting his hand over his chest, and Miranda giggled some more.

"I'm going to be a doctor when I grow up. I can help you fix it." She responded confidently.

"A doctor, what kind of doctor?" Ben asked.

"I'm not sure yet, but I know I'll be good at it."

"I believe that. Hey, look, I'll buy you ice cream to make up for spoiling the ending to your book." Ben said sheepishly.

"Make it a strawberry milkshake, and you read the second book to me, and it's a deal." Miranda smiled.

"Are you going to be my friend?" He asked, looking down.

"No, because if I'm your friend, then I have to call you Ben, but I like Benjamin." Miranda stammered.

"If you consider being my best friend, then you can call me Benjamin." Ben teased.

"Okay, Benjamin, but I never had a best friend before or friend," Miranda responded, fidgeting with her hands.

"It's simple. I'll help you." He told her seriously.

Miranda smiled at the memory. He truly was her best friend. He taught her how to ride a bike and roller skate. They read together and did several science experiments. He even made her appreciate the tacky holiday Halloween, and she even had sex with him four short weeks ago.

*Four weeks ago*

Miranda finished her romance novel and closed the book. She was sitting on her bed in her room. It was a late summer night, and as a nerdy teen, she didn't have anywhere to go. There weren't any parties, adleast any she was invited to. So, like always, she was confined to her room reading or studying for her ACT and SAT. She had months until she had to take them, but in order to be the best, she had to practice like one and put the work in.

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