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Miranda walked into the house and pressed her back against the door as she sighed. "Why is it so good?" she whispered, touching her lips.

She quietly walked to her parents' room and opened the door. "Mama, I was just letting you know I was home," she whispered.

"Okay, good, I can sleep fully," she whispered back.

Miranda chuckled and closed the door. She turned the shower on and undressed after tying her hair up.

She was sensitive, and the warm water wasn't making it any better. She stood under the shower until she composed herself before washing up.

Monday morning came, and Miranda left for school earlier than her regular time. She had to go to debate club early.

She joined the circle of other kids from debate, and they began to discuss and debate with each other. Doing mock trials.

The club's president paired Miranda up with Jake as her opposing partner for the practice debate. They both took their positions, facing each other, ready to delve into the topic at hand.

Miranda spoke first, her voice steady and confident. "Ladies and gentlemen, today we gather to discuss the importance of renewable energy sources. It is undeniable that our current reliance on non-renewable resources is not sustainable in the long run. Transitioning to renewable energy is not only essential for the health of our planet but also for the stability and security of our future generations."

Jake, donning the role of the opposition, met Miranda's gaze with a raised eyebrow. "While I understand the concern for the environment, we must also acknowledge the economic ramifications of shifting to renewable energy sources. The initial investment required for infrastructure development and the potential loss of jobs in traditional industries can not be disregarded."

Miranda pondered Jake's point, her mind racing to find a counter-argument that would sway the debate in her favor. She took a deep breath before responding.

"Jake, I appreciate your perspective. However, I believe it is crucial to consider the long-term benefits of investing in renewable energy. Not only does it create new job opportunities in the clean energy sector, but it also fosters innovation and technological advancements that will drive economic growth. By transitioning to renewables, we can reduce our dependence on foreign energy sources, enhance national security, and pave the way for a more sustainable and resilient future."

Jake leaned forward, his expression thoughtful. "I see your point, Miranda. But what about the intermittent nature of renewable energy? How can we ensure a consistent and reliable energy supply to meet our growing demands?

Miranda's eyes gleamed with determination as she crafted her response. "Indeed, the intermittent nature of renewables poses a challenge. However, advancements in energy storage technologies, such as battery systems and grid management solutions, are addressing this concern. With proper investment and research, we can overcome these challenges and establish a robust and reliable renewable energy infrastructure."

Their debate continued, a volley of arguments and counter-arguments, each seeking to persuade and convince. Miranda embraced the intellectual sparring, showcasing her ability to think critically, articulate her thoughts, and consider diverse perspectives.

As the debate ended, Miranda took her seat and waited for the next group to go. School was getting ready to start after a while, and she grabbed her book bag, heading to the cafeteria.

She walked through the breakfast line and grabbed an apple and yogurt, and went to go to her classroom. Miranda looked over when the back door opened and kids came through.

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