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Miranda woke up with a mix of excitement and nervousness on her first day of senior year. It was a day she had been eagerly anticipating, but also one that brought with it a whirlwind of emotions.

After a quick shower, Miranda stood in front of her closet, pondering over her options. She put on high-waisted jeans with a black belt and a black tank top tucked inside her jeans. Then she put on a blue, green, and black flannel shirt and left it open. After tying her black combat boots up, she put on her hoops and a small necklace.

She felt it struck the right balance between looking stylish and being comfortable enough to move around freely. Satisfied with her choice, she ran the hotcomb through her roots. Her mom had it pressed a couple of days ago. She admired her long hair before heading downstairs to join her parents for breakfast.

Elena was busy preparing scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and fresh fruit. Her dad was engrossed in the morning paper but looked up with a smile as Miranda entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Elena greeted her, placing a plate of eggs and bacon in front of her seat. "Are you excited for your first day?"

Miranda nodded eagerly as she took a seat at the table. "Definitely. I can't believe it's senior year already. It feels like just yesterday, I was starting freshman year."

William chuckled, taking a sip of his coffee before speaking. "Time flies, doesn't it? Make the most of this year, Miranda. It's going to be special."

"Okay, something is different about you, Mandy."

"What?" Miranda asked nervously.

"I don't know. I can't put my finger on it, but it's something."

"I mean, I have on a different outfit. I wanted something that fit with the time. It's 1990. Everybody's wearing this." She shrugged.

"That's probably what it is. Have a good first day at school, and please whatever you do. Be careful. " Elena voiced worried.

With breakfast finished, Miranda grabbed her book bag and headed outside to wait for the bus. As she stood at the bus stop, lost in her thoughts, she was startled by a familiar voice.

"Hey, Miranda, want a ride?" Ben asked, looking her up and down.

Miranda turned to see Ben leaning out of his car window, a hopeful smile on his face. She hesitated for a moment, aware of the feelings she had brewing for him. They had shared some very, very intimate moments during the summer, but since then, things had become awkward and uncertain, and it was all her because she was so focused on playing it cool.

A mix of relief and apprehension washed over Miranda as she accepted the offer. "Sure, Ben. Thanks."

As they drove to school, the air was thick with unspoken words. Both Miranda and Ben were nervous about being around each other, unable to shake the memories of their shared moments. Neither of them knew why it was hitting them so hard on the first day of school because they spent time together after he talked to her outside that night.

Upon reaching school, Ben opened the car door for her. "Okay, we will catch up later," Miranda told him, quickly pushing her glasses up.

"Alright, short stuff," Ben teased, and she nudged him before walking away.

Miranda made her way to the band class, clutching her oboe case tightly. It was a place where she felt most at ease. It was fun just being able to play and not worry about so much social interaction, but she set out to be different this year. She needed to make other friends and not be so isolated with Ben.

As she entered the band room, Miranda noticed a girl sitting alone, tapping her foot rhythmically. The girl had an aura of quiet confidence and seemed lost in her own world. Intrigued, Miranda approached her, a shy smile on her face.

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