Chapter 8: Agony's Scheme and the Aftermath of Devastation"

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I am using Carnage USA for the spread. Expect the use of Cletus in some of the images. Peter is Cletus in these images. Enjoy ⤴


Deep within a clandestine hideout, Felicia Hardy, known as the Host of the Agony symbiote, brooded over her plan to capture Peter Parker and successfully sever his connection with the Carnage symbiote. The task was undeniably challenging, considering the Carnage symbiote had merged with Peter's blood, forming an inseparable bond. Determined to achieve her objective, Felicia realized she needed the assistance of the Tinkerer, a brilliant scientist capable of crafting anything given the necessary resources.

Restless and seething with frustration, the Agony symbiote manifested Felicia's intense desires and infuriation at her inability to separate the red symbiote from their shared love. "We must find a way to separate that abomination from our beloved," hissed the symbiote, its voice tinged with fury.

Felicia, her eyes narrowed with determination, replied, "I know, Agony. We cannot let this obstacle hinder us any longer. The Tinkerer is our best shot at success. We must convince him to aid us, no matter the cost. Together, we will reclaim what is rightfully ours."

Unbeknownst to the duo, Felicia and the Agony symbiote, Mary Jane (MJ) and the Scream symbiote were harboring similar intentions. Fate, it seemed, was preparing to orchestrate an unexpected clash between the two symbiotic factions. However, as tensions escalated, an intriguing question hung in the air: Would this encounter ultimately devolve into a violent confrontation, or could an unforeseen twist of events rewrite the course of their destinies?

Little did they know, the tapestry of their destinies was woven by forces far beyond their control. Their desires, plans, and even their clashes were mere threads in the intricate design of a greater scheme. The outcome of their encounter would be dictated by unseen hands, mysterious forces that manipulated their fates like puppeteers pulling strings. Regardless of their intentions or actions, the true path of their destinies lay shrouded in uncertainty, leaving them mere players in a grander cosmic game. 

~ Meanwhile with Carnage ~

In Doverton, Colorado, a young child playfully sprays his sister with a water gun while their mother watches. Meanwhile, a man named Robbie is taken into custody by the authorities. On a quiet porch, an elderly couple contemplates painting their house. At a meat packaging plant, a worker inspects a batch of pigs and discovers that they have been partially eaten. To the worker's surprise, another man, who turns out to be Peter Parker, expresses his intention to purchase the damaged pigs. Suddenly, Peter unveils his Carnage symbiote and exclaims, "EVERYTHING!" The Carnage symbiote begins to absorb and consume all the animals within the meat packaging facility, growing in size and power.

Following its consumption of the animals in the meat packaging plant, the Carnage symbiote takes advantage of the sewer system to spread to the non-infected half of the town. It moves through the sewers, infiltrating bathroom stalls, and dishwashers, infecting unsuspecting citizens in its path. Disturbed by numerous reports, the local police station receives information about the chaos unfolding. Among the officers is a policeman who also happens to be the father of the child involved in the earlier incident. He drives his car recklessly, crashing through a fence and rushing into his house, urging his wife to move away from the sink. However, what he seeks—the Carnage symbiote—is already inside the bathroom. Carnage bonds with the boy and launches an attack on his own father. In the midst of the chaos, the town's sheriff, Bryan O'Neil, emerges from the city, his mind consumed by the names he carries, even though he himself may already be under the influence of Carnage.

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