Alt-End: Escape...

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Previous Episode: As Fury pondered the implications of this symbiotic fusion, the stage was set for a clandestine battle within the very core of Peter's being, a struggle that would shape the destiny of both host and symbiote in ways yet unseen.


In the main room of the hellicarrier:

Fury brooded in his commanding chair, eyes filled with disappointment as he scrutinized the assembly of heroes before him. His gaze lingered on Agent Venom, a flicker of anger sparking in his eyes. "You had one job – to watch over Parker, and now look at the mess we're in. He's tethered to that abomination once again, a mystery even to Connors," Fury declared, his voice cutting through the tension in the room. Leaning forward, he painted a dire picture of their predicament, "This new symbiote is impervious to anti-venom, evolving faster than we can adapt. We're running out of options, and Parker is slipping away. His very blood is tainted, replaced by the crimson horror that binds him. His mind, a battleground for assimilation, teeters on the edge. We fear he'll lose control, forsaking his morals to become a puppet for that psychopathic symbiote, a perfect vessel for its sinister whims." The room fell into a heavy silence, the weight of impending tragedy settling upon them.

Harry's fear resonated through the room as he recounted his own harrowing experience with the black symbiote. "We can't let Peter succumb to this fate. I escaped Venom clutches, and so can he!" he pleaded, his eyes fixed on a picture of Peter, the red tendrils tightening their grip. Desperation etched across his face, Harry questioned the group, "Have you delved into Dr. Octopus' Hydra research notes?" He gestured towards a specific detail, seeking a glimmer of hope.

"We've studied the documents," one member affirmed grimly. "This new symbiote is unlike anything we've encountered. It's a fusion of Peter's blood and the black symbiote, eschewing the nervous system for direct blood bonding. It essentially becomes the host's heart." With a pointed finger on a diagram, he continued, "Separating Peter from the symbiote poses a grave challenge. If we don't find a solution, the symbiote might be ingrained in him permanently, leaving us with the heartbreaking choice of losing him or risking his life to sever the connection." The room sank into a solemn silence, the weight of an impossible decision hanging heavy in the air.

Fury's resolve cut through the tension as he issued orders, "We won't lose Peter. Prepare to move him to a secure facility." He turned to a specific agent, assigning a crucial task, "You're responsible for keeping a watchful eye on MJ, the inaugural host to the Carnage symbiote." As the team mobilized, Fury strode purposefully towards a tablet, initiating the protocols for the impending transfer. "Time is of the essence. Go now, and not a word to his aunt," he commanded sternly, emphasizing the need for secrecy. The urgency in the air propelled the team into swift action, a silent understanding that their next moves could determine the fate of their beloved hero.

The Helicarrier ascended gracefully, departing towards an isolated island where a high-security facility awaited. Encased within a containment cell, the tank housing Peter was carefully transported to its destination. As Peter was transferred to his new confinement, his eyes unexpectedly snapped open, surveying the room with an eerie awareness. 

The pulsating hearts of the surrounding agents became visible to him, and a sinister grin slowly crept across his face. Casting a gaze upon his arms, he noticed the symbiote, having adapted to the serum, coiling around him with a newfound strength. The atmosphere within the containment cell grew tense, a palpable sense of foreboding hanging in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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