Alt-Start Episode 2: Defeated?

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First episode where the MC is temporarily Defeated

Ok then, In this episode Dr. Connors makes up a cure for the symbiote using the anti-venom serum mixed with a sample of the anti venom symbiote from harry. Will the carnage duo escape? Or will they stay trapped inside the Shield hellicarier. (The cure doesn't work on peter or MJ due to the symbiote being bonded to their blood)


{Last Episode:}

"What? Scared? Hahahahahha!" Both the carnage queen and Carnage laughed out loud.


In the dimly lit chamber, the atmosphere crackled with tension as Carnage Queen and Carnage, their symbiotic forms interwoven, confronted the trembling assembly of heroes. The crimson symbiote enveloped Peter's figure, binding to him with an intimacy that blurred the lines between individual entities, their shared warmth making it nearly impossible to discern where one ended and the other began.

Iron Patriot, his armored visage betraying a mix of fear and concern, broke the uneasy silence, addressing the amalgamation before him. "Peter? What has become of you?" His voice quivered with a genuine sense of alarm as he gazed upon the unsettling fusion of man and symbiote. Carnage responded with an unsettling grin, tendrils writhing in an almost hypnotic dance, while one of its sinuous appendages possessively encircled the queen's waist, creating an eerie display of unity.

"Friends... Yummy!" Carnage's chilling shriek resonated through the chamber, his predatory anticipation evident as he licked his non-existent lips. Just as the malevolent symbiote poised to launch into a frenzied assault, the ceiling above shattered into fragments, revealing the intervention of a helicarrier descending with thunderous authority. The mass that had obscured the roof was incinerated to a crisp, creating an inferno of embers and ashes.

The helicarrier's engines roared, drowning out the cacophony below, as it descended with a purpose. A radiant light emanated from the descending behemoth, illuminating the scene with an otherworldly glow. From the belly of the helicarrier, android figures descended gracefully, their presence a stark contrast to the chaotic energy that Carnage exuded.

These androids, towering over even the menacing symbiotic duo, touched down with precision. One hand of each android bore an electrified chainsaw, crackling with raw power, poised for lethal precision. The other hand wielded a flamethrower, its fiery nozzle a testament to the destructive force it could unleash. In the grasp of the flamethrower-wielding android, a syringe gun gleamed, filled with a mysterious golden liquid that incapacitated the symbiote holding its hosts.

 In the grasp of the flamethrower-wielding android, a syringe gun gleamed, filled with a mysterious golden liquid that incapacitated the symbiote holding its hosts

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Does not belong to me → Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

With a synchronized precision born of their artificial nature, the androids surged forward, their electrified chainsaws slashing through the crimson tendrils of the symbiote with relentless determination. The whirring blades carved through the writhing mass, creating a path toward the heart of the symbiotic entity.

With unwavering resolve, the androids thrust the syringe pistols toward the twisted amalgamation of Carnage Queen and the symbiotically possessed Spider-Man. The needles pierced the air, aimed straight at the core of the malevolent duo, carrying the potent antidote that promised salvation from the symbiotic grip.

But Carnage was not to be subdued without a fight. With a ferocity born of primal instinct, tendrils lashed out, intercepting the androids' advance. Despite the androids' resilience, they were pushed back by the sheer force of the symbiotic onslaught, their progress halted but not deterred.

As the antidote coursed through the symbiotic veins, a weakening pulse emanated from the entwined forms of Spider-Man and the Carnage Queen. The symbiote's grip faltered, releasing its hold on Spider-Man, who crumpled to the ground, his suit torn and tattered, bearing witness to the ferocity of the battle.

Beside him, MJ lay unconscious, stripped of the protective facade of her attire, a silent testament to the perilous stakes of the conflict.

The androids, their mission accomplished, gently lifted the unconscious forms of Peter and MJ, ferrying them back to the hovering helicarrier with a grace that belied their mechanical nature. As the heroes, including Agent Venom and Iron Patriot, boarded the carrier, the formidable vessel ascended, leaving the battleground behind.

Inside the helicarrier's sterile medical bay, Peter was carefully placed within a specialized containment tube. The translucent chamber brimmed with the same mysterious golden substance that had proven effective against the symbiotic menace. The liquid cradled him, offering a soothing cocoon as he lay unconscious. A breathing mask was delicately secured over his mouth, ensuring a steady supply of air as he underwent the restorative process within the tank.

Meanwhile, MJ underwent a thorough examination, the medical team ensuring she was free from any lingering traces of the symbiote's influence. Once declared "clean," she was released from the medical bay, the weight of the ordeal visibly lifted from her shoulders. Despite the trauma she had endured, MJ was deemed fit to return home, away from the confines of the helicarrier and the lingering specter of the symbiotic threat.

As the helicarrier soared through the skies, carrying its precious cargo and the heroes who had valiantly faced the symbiotic menace, a sense of relief mingled with the tension in the air.

Within the confines of the specialized containment tube, Peter's unconscious form lay vulnerable, his battered body a testament to the intense struggle with the symbiote. The crimson tendrils, though weakened, clung tenaciously to his form, pulsing with an eerie vitality. Despite the appearance of weakness, a quiet resilience emanated from the symbiotic entity, silently vowing retaliation.

Inside the tube, the symbiote, sensing the threat of separation, stirred with a renewed determination. It wasted no time in its clandestine efforts, weaving its tendrils through Peter's wounds, healing and integrating itself more deeply into his weakened form. The symbiote's silent oath echoed in the chamber, a promise of vengeance and an unyielding commitment to its host and queen.

Outside the containment tube, Fury, the stern-faced overseer, observed the scene with a critical eye. His arms were crossed, an expression of both concern and scrutiny etched on his weathered features. The tendrils surrounding Peter pulsed with a golden light, a testament to the ongoing struggle between the symbiote and the potent antidote that sought to sever their connection.One of Peter's eyes, his left, glowed an otherworldly white, a visual manifestation of the symbiote's influence that reached even the depths of his ocular socket. As Fury pondered the implications of this symbiotic fusion, the stage was set for a clandestine battle within the very core of Peter's being, a struggle that would shape the destiny of both host and symbiote in ways yet unseen.


Thanks for reading. It's based on a comic. Degenerates will know.

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