Chapter 8 - I Declare Ware

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I sat in the parking lot trying to piece this all together. Who was Ghost Squad and how does Dr. Owens tie into this all? As I sat there, I became more skeptical of everything and everybody. I sat there wondering who I could trust.

It dawned on me, Kim works for Dr. Owens, is she a part of this all? Is she just here to keep an eye on me to report back? Damn, I felt like I had been played the fool and fell for it. I had no idea what to do or think. It was not as if I could turn to anybody for help, I had committed multiple murders all in the name of public safety.

I could get the electric chair if everything I had done was ever revealed to real law enforcement. Was the Ghost Squad even law enforcement? I had so many questions and not enough answers.

I left the parking lot and drove straight to Stephanie's house. I pulled up in her driveway as confused as I had ever been in life. When she opened the door, she could see it on my face.

"Stew, what have you done now" she said as soon as she saw me.

I could not fake like everything was ok, and I obviously could not hide it from her. I walked in her house and sat down in the living room.

"Let me get me some wine, I can tell whatever is on your mind will be deep" she stated while walking into the kitchen.

"You want something to drink Stew" she yelled from the other room.

"Naw, I am good" I said. She came back to the living room with her wine and sat down on the sofa.

"So go ahead and tell me what is wrong" she said as she got comfortable.

I did not even know where to start. She knew a little about Ghost Squad of course, but this was a different twist.

"First, I ran into the little girl" I said to Stephanie. Her eyes lit up and she sat up in her chair.

"You ran into THAT little girl, and how did that happen?" she said eagerly awaiting a response.

"That is the problem" I led off telling her. I had to backtrack and tell her about Kim and how I met her. Told her about the doctor's office and our first day at the lake. Told her about the time we spent together and how I was feeling about her.

"Sounds like you really like her, when do I get a chance to meet her" Stephanie said.

"See, that is where this all gets complicated" I responded to her.

Stephanie sat back in her chair and took a sip of her wine. Crossed her legs and said "Boy, what is complicated about you liking somebody. It is way overdue".

"Let me finish" I responded. I reminded her of the sequence of events that led to me obviously breaking out of jail and joining Ghost Squad. I told her about how I had begun to question the assignments I was being given. How I had doubt that I was serving on the side of good.

I told her how Command had virtually threatened me and how Command knew about my struggles thinking about the little girl"

"Command knew this, but the only people I ever told where you and Dr. Owens" I said to her.

Stephanie sat back up in her chair again. "So you think your doctor is working with the group and she identified you from prison" she questioned.

"I believe so" I responded to her.

"Oh, so now I get it. You think your new female friend may be in on this too" she said as she sat back in her chair again.

"Exactly" I told her. I believed she was in on this and didn't know if I could trust her. I felt as if getting emotionally attached to somebody had become the liability that Command had preached it would be.

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