Chapter 8

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This will be fun

I hear Elena saying as we enter my house "did u ask your mom" I asked her "yeah I texted her"
"Okay good" I run up too my room getting our pjs "here's a pair of my pjs" I hand her my pjs as we change Into them "we look so cute" I smile at her "choose a movie I'll go get snacks" I toss the remote over too her as she catches it. I run over too the pantry grabbing some chips, cookies and popcorn, bringing it too the table placing it down "help yourself" she smiles and immediately grabs a cookie "which movie do you want too watch" she asks me stuffing more cookies into her mouth "I can choose one and you can choose one" I nod at her words "i choose white chicks" "fine I choose mean girls" I hear her yell, "oh my god yes"I say responding too her.

While watching white chicks someone opens the door. We both turn our heads over too see my parents "Hi vana, Elena" I hear my father greet us "hello sir" Elena greets him politely which makes me almost crack "what's so funny" she whisper yells too me "shhhh" I answer back as we both start laughing. My father comes too me and drags my arm pulling me too the corridor "it's fine that your friends sleep over or whatever I don't really care but tell me next time" he says sounding kinda rough I just nod at him and leave.

After watching both of the movies my parents were definitely asleep "I think we can go now let me just call bill" I whisper over too Elena who was sitting on my bed. I dial bills number and wait for him too pick up
V:"Hello bill?"
B:"Hey vana are you ready"
V:"I sure am let's meet at the park"
B:"Okay I'll see you later gorgeous"
My face turns bright red
V:"b-bye bill"
B:"Bye see you later"
I hear him chuckle before hanging up. God he is so cocky. "Elena come on" I grab her hand and I climb out the window landing on the roof, I stand there waiting for Elena as she also climbs out. "Okay we're supposed too go down here" I say while pointing too a tree "nah there's no way I'm climbing a tree" she says loudly as I quickly shush her "just do it, follow my lead"   "vana this is not Nike I'm not gonna "just do it"" I look over at her "fine then you can stay home" I start walking away from her "no no I promise I'll stop saying dad jokes" I look at her signalling too continue, she sighs "and that I'll climb this tree.." I smile at her as we both climb the tree too get down.

We start walking too the park making small talk and after 10 minutes I hear someone yell "vana! Over here" I look over at the person yelling of course it was bill. He starts running towards me as I do the same, we get closer and I jump into his arms making him hug me tight, laying his head in the crook of my neck "ugh I missed you" I hear him mumble "I've missed you too" I smile at him "ew get a room" we both turn our heads too see Tom. Bill let's go off me blushing from the embarrassment he was so cute. I look over at Tom "long time no see" I say as he smiles at me embracing me into a hug "okay that's enough now I don't want vana too get sick" bill says as he parts us making us both laugh "there's a 24 hour shop lets go get some ice cream" we all look at eachother before agreeing with georg. We all get ice cream and we sit at the park just enjoying our ice creams and chatting "Vana!" I hear someone else yell I turn my head too see my mom? "What do you think your doing" I look at bill and then back at her "m-mom me and Elena were just getting some ice cream and we met our class mates, this is Bill, Tom, georg and Gustav" I lie trying too make it believable "don't you dare lie too me" she practically yells grabbing my arm making me drop my ice cream "Lena sweetie go home, don't bother coming back" I cringe at the nickname she gave her "yes miss" she says frowning. I look over at bill and frown, I missed him so much "you're lucky your father didn't find you, but don't think your getting through this unpunished" I nod at her, tears forming in my eyes this was so embarrassing.

After coming home I quickly dial bill
V:"Bill oh my god I'm so sorry for what happened"
B:"Don't worry about it love, it happens"
V:"No bill I'm actually so sorry that was so embarrassing"
B: "I told you it's fine we can just meet up tomorrow at school my love"
V: "I can't wait-" I cough loudly
B: "love, are you okay?"
V: "bill... I think im sick" I say sounding really weak
B: "ugh it's probably because of Tom, don't worry I'll beat him up for you"
I laugh at his joke before coughing again
V: "bill im kinda tired right now, call me after school"
B: "alright love I'll see you later, good night"
V: "goodnight love you"
B: "love you too"
I hear his shyness through the screen, I hang up "how can he be so shy and so cocky at the same time" I mumble too myself before closing my eyes and going too sleep

I wake up at 06:35 I groan, I look over at my phone seeing it buzz plenty of times. I pick up my phone too see an article of me and bill?
"Bill kaulitz lead singer of Tokio Hotel has a new girlfriend?" I scroll down on the article reading the comments because that's the first thing that came too mind
"Ew bill could do so much better"
"Where'd you find a picture of me🥰"
"She's kinda cute"
"No way"
"Nah I don't want bill I want her"
"She's literally so ugly"
"This is early fake bill would never date someone like her"
"Ew she's so fat"

There were more hate comments than nice comments and there was nothing about Gustav and Elena. what if bill thinks I did it too ruin his career was the only thing in my mind before heading too bed again

I wake up at 15:36 I slept for 10 hours which felt like 10 minutes. School was already out so I called bill immediately. I quickly dial his number and he picks up. He sounds sad?


Sorry I haven't updated earlier and this is not proofread so I might have some mistakes😭

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