Chapter 20

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Vanas pov

I do my Make-up and pick my outfit. I glance at the time 7:50 shit I groan running downstairs

 I glance at the time 7:50 shit I groan running downstairs

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(The outfit)

I quickly run downstairs. The sound of my heels clicking down the steps fills the room while all the eyes turn to look at me

"Soooo what do you guys think" I say posing and blowing a kiss to them "you look amazing-" "you're late" georg cuts off bill

"What can I say" I shrug. We all leave and georg drives us to the venue.   I walk in looking around the bar "fancy" I chuckle

I walk over to the bartender "one vodka cranberry please"  "coming right up" I smile at the bartender. I wasn't used to strong drinks

After 5 minutes the bartender comes back with my drink "that young man over there payed for your drink" he smiles and points to my left oh? I turn my head to the left and see a man maybe late 20s

I Lift my glass towards him as a thank you before sipping on it. I feel someone tap my shoulder as I was halfway done with my drink

"Hello there" he said in a heavy foreign accent it was the guy that payed for my drink "uhm hi" I smile lightly while looking the other way

"Where are you from beautiful" so cheesy.. "uhm I'm from here" I say uninterested "I knew germany had pretty ladies" he grins

Yuck "may I have your number" I shake my head "I have a boyfriend" I try to leave but he grabs my arm

"Your leaving already?" He holds tighter "uhm yeah" I try to look around for bill but he spots me first

"What to you think you're doing" he says while raising an eyebrow "who are you" he stutters "her boyfriend now back off" he lets go and quickly apologises

"God that was scary" he nods "I have a surprise for you" he covers my eyes leading me somewhere

He uncovers my eyes and I see Elena "Elena?! God I haven't seen you in forever" she smiles while pulling me into a deep hug "where have you been" I ask her "oh just the usual I've been at home" she chuckles "for so long?" She nods "well you know" she points at her stomach "Are you pregnant" she smiles brightly and pulls me into another hug

I can't believe It. We all sit down and start talking "do you want to be a teen mom?" Gustav asks her "well yeah I'm not exactly young either" "yeah but being 18 isn't exactly old" bill jumps in the conversation

While they were debating I went out for a smoke break

I pull out my box of cigarettes and I start smoking one "smoking is bad ya know" I turn around to see bill

I exhale.    "it's worse for you when you have to sing " he shrugs "can I bum one?" I look up at him "go ahead" I give him my box of cigarettes

"These pictures on the box always freak me out" he points to the picture under the Sentence with giant writing "smoking kills" I chuckle at him "I thought I was the only one" we share a laugh

I start to shiver "it's getting quite cold should we head inside" I nod at him as we both step inside

I look around trying to find my friends. I spot them right away and I walk to them

"Hey" they turn to me "oh hi" they say in Union "does anyone wanna get drinks with me" I grin "sorry its not good for the baby"
"I'm not thirsty"
"I've drank enough"
I sigh at them "fine then" I cross my arms heading to the bar

"Welcome back" the bartender says while washing a cup "you remember me?" I smile "how could I not" he chuckles "another vodka cranberry" he asks "I was feeling something stronger"

I never really liked strong drinks but I was annoyed "do you want a shot of just liquor it's my favourite" he asks, I nod

He pours me a shot "enjoy, it's on the house" he winks. I smile at him before downing the shot

I glance at the time 1:23 am i turn back to look at my friends. It doesn't look like they're leaving anytime soon

I call a cab and head home. I open the door quietly, the whole house was dark "hey" I hear from the living room. I jump and turn in the light "god Tom you scared me" he chuckles "where's your guest" I say holding up air quotes

"Uhm I kinda got stood up" I make an o with my mouth "yeah.. where are the others" he looks behind me "oh they were driving me nuts so I left" I plop right beside him.

"I wish I was out clubbing I was waiting for thee all night" he says frustrated "you should've come it would've been more fun" he smirks at me "calm down I just mean I could use a drinking buddy" he laughs

We get cut off by my phone ringing Bill❤️ I pick up the phone "hello?" I say "vana where the hell are you we're worried sick" "uhm I just headed home is that a problem"

"You could've let us know" i cut him off by ending the call "I'm going to sleep I have that Calvin Klein interview tomorrow" Tom gives me a thumbs up as I head up changing into my pjs and drifting off to bed

I wrote this while waiting for suhur 😕
Anyways sorry for not posting I've been extremely busy

950 words

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