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The village is located some kilometres away from the legendary city of Constantinople. During night time you can see the lights that come from there. After her work, Anastasia went back to her house. After she arrived she got ready for bed. But she did not sleep immediately. She took a seat in her chair and looked at her tarot cards.

For the past three days, she has been having a bad feeling. Something was going to happen to her, she could feel it in her skin. The winter was leaving and spring was around the corner.
' What an unlucky time to die.' She thought as she stared to read her tarot cards.

Three cards were laying in front of her. The tower, meaning fast disaster. The card of the sun upside down means sadness and depression. The last card that was revealed to her was the card of VI of wands, meaning punishment and lack of recognition.

She knew her time was coming and could not do anything about it. Her gift was also a curse. A curse that she choose to accept. A curse that would be her downfall one day.

But she did not care. Why? Because she could see things ordinary humans couldn't. One of those was the fall of the greatest city. Constantinople.

Anastasia believed in fate and destiny. Her fate was to warn the people. But only if she had to. She wanted to live a peaceful life, helping the people who wanted to be saved.

She would never let her gift go. It was her gift to keep. And no one could take it away from her, even after death.

Death is one word with different meanings. Have you ever wondered what comes after death? She knew. And she could see it

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