Chapter 3

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"Eric wake up you have to go to grandma's" Mark yelled up the stairs.

Eric groaned and slid out of bed. He walked into his parent's room to look for something to wear. Some one gave them clothes for the baby but they were big enough to fit Eric. There was a pink striped dress that fir Eric perfectly. Pleased Eric skipped down the stairs.

"Oh god Mark your son's in a dress." Laura said rolling her eyes.

Eric screeched and ran to his room.

"What are you doing go talk to him." Laura said motioning to the stairs.

Mark sighed and headed up the stairs.

"Look bud mommy has to go to the doctor today to have the baby. So you have to go to grandma's."

"Fine but I'm not changing."

"Ok I'll tell mommy to go ahead and leave and I'll drop you off. Alright?"

Eric nodded.

When they arrived at Eric's grandma's she was not very happy about what Eric has chose to wear.
"It's no big deal mom" Mark said.

Eric could hear her shouting slurs in the next room.

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