Chapter 9

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I had a terrible dream. I was covered in hair, my voice was really deep, and my shoulders very broad. I can't let this happen. I feel much better when I start getting ready, the closet in the guest room I'm sleeping in is filled with girl clothes. I put on a cute pale pink pullover and some leggings, tie up my converse and meet my family downstairs. We have been staying here for a few weeks and everyone has pretty much gotten use to calling me Leah and she/her etc.

"Hey Le" Aunt Julian says, "I've got plans for you today".

"Oh, yeah? Like what" I ask glancing over my cousin Emily's shoulder at her newest magazine.

"A trans support group at the library" She exclaimed. "Now come on lets go"

"Go??? I'm not even ready"I shrieked "Em! Can I borrow some lipgloss" 

Emily has been super excited to have another girl around she only has brothers, she drags me up to her room and goes on about all her different makeup. Aunt Julian says the group is starting and I look fine so Emily rushes a little mascara and lip gloss on me and we are out the door.

Everyone at the group is older than me so its a bit disappointing, that is until halfway around the circle when it gets to a boy with wild red bedhead.

He stands up and puts his hands on his hips and clears his throat. "I'm Ollie, Oliver, Big O, Red, Mr.-"

"OLLIE" everyone shouts. A girl leans over and whispers he does this everytime.

He smirks and continues "Heh anywho, I'm 13 and refer to me with he/him pronouns" He then bows.

Oh god, he's adorable. I'm so glad I bothered with my appearance today. 

After a pretty boring group meeting I know I have to talk to him.

"Uh, Ollie" I shout after him as he struts out the door. He turns his head and gives me a cool but friendly smile.

"Leah"he says and walks up to me "What's up"

"Well, uh you're the only person here around my age and I was wondering if you'd" He cuts me off and grabs my shoulders.

"Perfect! I have an idea let me go ask my mom"

He takes me to the park and I learn about him very fast it seems he never stops talking which is good because he is much better at it than me. I learn he's a twin, fraternal, and he loves lizards and history. He doesn't know his dad but he really doesn't seem bothered and his mom is a nurse. I don't think I have gotten a word in.  When my dad shows up to take me home he grabs my hand and smiles his big dorky smile, he has such a perfect smile, and tells me he will see me soon. I can't even say anything.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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