Chapter 5

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"Hello, who is this?" "Zane is that you." I asked. "Michael?" "Yea, I need to talk to you." "Same here." Something was wrong, Zane sounded nervous and I could here Leo cussing in the back round. "Hey, Zane this is really important. Have you guys been attacked by-" "These creatures, yea, we have." Well that can't be good. "Are you guys OK, has anything weird happen?" I asked him. "Yea, but we can talk about that later, I need to tell you something." Zane started to sound really worried now. "Tell me what happen." "David's missing." My mind went blank when he said that. That means his power must have not activated yet. I thought. Ill be there as fast as I can. I hung up and went back inside to get some things. "What was that about?" I turned around to see Haley looking at me. "I just needed to talk to my friends." "You're not telling me everything." Haley could always tell when I'm lying or not telling her everything, which I could never figure out. "Something bad happen and my friends need my help." Hope fully she doesn't ask any more about it, she should understand how close my friends are to me. "I thought your friends were gone." "They are." "So how you going to get there?" "I'll find a way, just tell mom and dad I went on a date." I grabbed my money and left. My parents were going to kill me when I get back but I have to go. The door to my car opened with ease, not getting stuck as it usually has. The car came to life as I started the engine, heading to the airport. When I entered the terminal, i saw line stretching as far as the eye could see. My brain was telling me not to go where the line was going to, but my eyes didn't listen. "Great," I whispered. The long line was the exact plane I needed to get on. I guess there's no use but to wait. I stood behind a guy that was holding a burger in one hand and a drink in the other. Did I mention that he could use some cologne? "Hey, I'm Eli." I looked over my shoulder to see a guy about 6 feet with black hair talking to me, this guy looked liked he belonged to the military. (Which he probably was.) I doubt even Rambo could take this guy on. He had a huge bag over his left shoulder and he was smiling. "Hi, I'm Michael." I replied. "So, where you heading to?" "Ah, just gonna see some friends. How about you?" "I'm just about to see my girlfriend. She's amazing." His face had gotten brighter. I wish I could feel the same way. "Next." I looked around to see no one in front of me. "Oh, I guess I'm up." I walked forward to see a women waiting for me to get my ticket. "One ticket for Idaho please." I looked back around to see the guy getting his ticket next, he saw me looking and smiled . I waved back at him and he returned the gesture. When I got my ticket I started to walk away.Wow, so this is what first class looks like. I thought. Then I was wondering, Why the hell did I spend all my money on first class? Either way, it was finally time to relax. As soon as I sat down I thought It was going a smooth ride there. "Hi." Crap, not again. I glanced over to see who it was I thought my heart was going to explode. It was Katie. How the hell did I end up on the same plane as her? "Oh, hi Katie." I started to get nervous, and averted eye contact with her. "I didn't know you were going to Idaho." she said with a little surprise in her voice. "Really? I didn't know you were leaving so quick after my sisters birthday party." Smooth. She smirked and replied. "Oh you know, I always ride a plane after a party." She waited for my response, I just kept on looking past her face. "I'm kidding, you know what a joke is?" she said. Oh yea, forgot to answer her. "I'm sorry, I just have a lot going on through my mind at the the moment." She laughed and poked at my head. "The way your sister explains you is that have you have nothing going on up here." I smiled, "I have more stuff going on up here than you would think." "Oh yea, like what?" She laid her elbow on a rest and her face on her hand. Multiple things went through my mine at the moment, most of it she would think I'm crazy & send me to the insane asylum. I coughed and changed the subjected. "So what about you?" I asked "Who are visiting?" "Nice dodge," she said with a smirk crossing her face. "I'm going to visit my grandparents." "Oh really now? Whats the occasion?" "Ah, nothing to extreme. My grandma is not in the best of shape. I wanted to see her." Sadness draped over her usually cheerful smile. "I'm sorry to here that." I tried comforting her. My grandparents passed away before I was even born so I never had the chance to feel what it was like to be spoiled. "If I can ask, why are you alone? Shouldn't your family be with you?" She stared out the window, pondering the question. "My family had already left with out me. And Mark apparently had something to do. Probably is lift his weights." Her voice became sour on the last sentence. And of course Mark was her boyfriend which he thought he was better than everybody else. "Well if it makes you feel any better I would have come with you." I told her. "Yea, that does." she started to smile. For the rest of the trip (which was 4 hours) we talked about everything. I never knew she had a great sense of humor, which is one more reason why she's amazing. When we got off the plane it was 5:00 pm. "Well, I guess this

is where I leave." she stood there with her bags. "I'm glad we got to talk." "Yea, me to." I told her. She waited, wondering if I was going to say anything else. Maybe even hoping I would do something to make her smile, but nothing came to mind. "Here you go." She handed me a piece of paper. "I'll remember to call you if I need help with anything." she smiled and walked away. I looked at the piece of paper she gave me. It was her E-mail name and her phone number. While I was going to my friends grandparents house I could get Katie out of my head. I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I thought. If I was anymore happier I would prancing down the streets. After I hired a taxi with the rest of my money, they stopped by a road that led into a forest. I looked around, seeing trees covered in snow, the ground covered with patches of ice. When I finally made it to their house I walked up to the door to knocked on it. But right

before I did the door opened and Zane and Leo was standing in front of me.

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