Chapter 21

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"Remember Michael, always stay balanced. The moment you lose your footing

is the moment that you lose your life." Angelo struck his sword at me and I had blocked it with edge of my blade and dodged it at the same time. I lifted my right arm to block blow coming form his left foot. The impact was enough to make me lose my balance. Angelo saw what he had done and took advantage if it. He move swiftly kicking my feet from under me. I responded quickly by planting my hands on the ground and doing a back flip and landing squarely on my feet. "Not bad," Angelo said. "But lets see what else you have learned." He started to rush me with the sword and attacked me with it. I was about to block it until I realized I had no weapon with me. The sword a few feet behind him. Although I had no weapon, the only thing I could do was dodge for now. The blade swiped right where my head had been. Angelo was pushing me right up against the stone wall of a mountain. If I didn't do anything quick, Angelo would win and I would never hear the end of it. In need to win, I took a desperate action. I would fight head on. Sensing my action, Angelo stood tall. "So, you think that would be a wise move?" Angelo look me in the eyes. "I have no clue," I laughed. "I'm just going with my gut." I throw a punch at him and saw his

surprised face at quick it was. Just as I expected he swung his sword at my waist but I had grabbed his wrist before the thin sharp blade connected with me. A second I grabbed his was when I punched him in the stomach. He let out a grunt and was thrown about 5 feet back, he landed on his back with a satisfying smack with his hand still gripped around the handle of the sword. Before it was too late, I grabbed my weapon and jumped 12 feet into the air, planning on trying one of my new attacks. But Before I landed on him, he lifted both his hands into the air. Before I knew it, I was being thrown through the air like a rag doll. Stone cold wall hit my back and I fell face flat into the ground. "I thought you said we weren't supposed to use our powers, only our skills on sword fighting.?" I said, lifting my self off the ground. "Said the guy who punched me in the stomach." Angelo stuck his hand so I grabbed it. "Hey, I thought we could use our fight skills. Besides, you're the one that kicked me." "I didn't use my power to increase the kicking power." I rubbed the back of my head. "My bad." And started laughing. We have about 1 week left and I've already passed my fighting skill level. My use of the air element was as good as it could get with all the time we had. And we had just started training with the sword a

month ago. Angelo had told me that all of the Guarding Order had used a sword. It was made from a special type of material that could never brake and always stayed sharp. Over all, there's not much for me to do now except wait. I started heading toward the cave to rest some until I heard a voice. "Michael....." "Yea?" I turned around to see Angelo meditating again. His body a few feet off the ground. "What?" He asked without turning his head. "You said my name didn't you?" "I don't know what your talking about. Maybe you should lie down for a bit." "Yea, maybe." The sun was going down so the light hit inside perfectly so I could see. I lied down into the hole in the wall that was bed. There wasn't much to it, but I've grown to like it some. "Michael......." There was again, but It was different this time. It was inside my head, but I could hear Easily. It almost Josh. Like he was calling my name in need of helped. I

reached behind my pillow and the handle of my knife that some how came with me. My finger move across the words on the blade. "What do they mean?" I asked my self. "What does what mean?" Angelo unexpectedly walked in. I started to stuttered. "I, um-I got it from-" "Your brother from a while ago. When you get nervous, your mind is wide open." "Yea, I noticed." I closed my mind up before he could read anything else. "What's that writing on the blade?" I never heard Angelo sound so curious before. "I don't know, I thought it was Spanish at first, but Spanish doesn't even resemble those type of words."

"Mind if I take a look at it?" "Sure, go ahead." I handed the blade to him and he brought it up to his eyes. His eyes brows furrowed and he started to frown a little bit. "How did your brother know our language?" I don't know if it was just me, but I thought I heard a hint of anger in his voice. "What are you talking about? Josh gave me that when I was young, how am I supposed to know-" And that as far as I got before Angelo grabbed my shoulders and pushed up onto the wall. "What the hell! Get off me." "Do you know what that means?" Angelo said in a low voice. I could practically smell the anger coming out of his mouth. "What do you mean?" I asked, my voice showing bit a fear In it. Angelo

had never shown his emotion, and the only time he does, he pushing me up against the wall. "Your brother must have worked for Kapas for a while. He must have found Josh at a young age." My fear had turned to anger quickly. "Are you saying my brother is working for the guy that's trying to kill us!?" I knocked his hand off me and walked outside. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. As far as we know, Kapas could have given your brother his power long ago. And if that's the case, your brother will be stronger than you and I could possibly know." "No," I shook my head. "There's no way Josh would work for somebody like that." Would he? "Let me ask you this. How did you get to the hospital that one night. How do you think you got into a coma?" "I don't kn-" "And please ask me this," Angelo walked up to me and grabbed my should to turn me

around. "Shut up!" I turned around and put my palm out in front his of chest. He got pushed 10 feet off the ground and landed in the cave. "You know nothing about my brother, don't accuse him of such a thing as being a apprentice to somebody as evil as Kapas." "You never let me finished my question." The sun was completely down by now and I couldn't see his body. He walked out of the dark so the moon light was shining on his face. "Where was your brother this entire time you was in a comma. The nurses had said a young man had given you to them. Please explain to me who that was?" As much as I didn't want to believe him, he was right. I dropped to my hand and knees and the back of

my eyes started to sting.. "But how? He was always there for me. How could he become to work with a kind man like Kapas?" I asked this time, a tear running down my cheek. I felt a hand on my back and I looked up to see

Angelo on his knees too. "I know how you feel. But crying will not solve anything. The only way you can save your brother is by getting stronger." Without looking up, I sent Angelo a message. You're right, I have to get stronger. I looked up to see Angelo. He was grabbing my stuff and putting it into my leather bag. "Then get ready," he said, tossing

the bag to me. "Its time you went home."

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