Chapter 7

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What the hell going on? I thought. Who is this guy in front of us and how does know him, but more importantly was he on our side. "Why are you here Kapas?" Angelo asked. "Don't worry, I didn't come here to fight. I just wanted to talk to them."Kapas said with a smirk on his face."You have no right to talk to them." he replied. "I wouldn't be talking about rights." After that comment it was silent for at least 10 seconds. "Besides." he went on. "Where's the rest of

your so called team?" "They got a little caught up." "Angelo, we both know what's going to happen. So why don't you just give up now." "I don't give up that easily, unlike you." Kapas gave him a cold stare. I could feel the electricity coming off him. "Like I said, it's already over. My plan is already coming into play." Angelo had a look of surprise on his face. "What plan?" "I guess you'll have to find out, won't you." And in a instant he was gone and everything that was with him was gone. Including the lighting and all the creatures. Crap! I thought. Where was David? "Don't worry, your friend is find." I looked up to see Angelo carrying David. When and how did he grab David? "But what about Leo?" I asked. "Don't worry, Kapas didn't attack hard enough to kill him. Just to knock him out." "What's going on here?" Zane asked. "Pick up Leo and we'll explain when these two wake up." "Wait, what do you mean by we?" I asked. "I'm talking about my team, so lets start moving." We started to walk home, when Angelo was a little ways in front of us Zane started to talk to me. "So what do you think is going on here?" he whispered. "I don't know, but whatever is happening, I think it has to do with our powers." "Yes, it does." We stopped all of a sudden to see Angelo standing right in front of us. "Are you going to

tell us about it?" Zane asked. "No, not now. Besides I think we're at your home." We looked behind him to see Zane's and Leo's grandparents house. "Wow, lucky us. Nobody's home yet." Zane said. When we got inside it was pitch black so I turned on the light. Angelo started to walk farther inside the house and when he got into the living room he sat David and Leo down on the couch so we followed him. "So when will the rest of your team come?" I asked. "They should be here soon." 10 minutes later with no talking, just staring at each other,  

David and Leo woke up. "Hey, so I see you guys are finally awake." Zane said. "Wha- what happened?" David asked slowly standing, grabbing his head. "You were captured." We all looked at Angelo sitting casually on the couch. "Who the hell are you? And what exactly is going on here" Leo finally asked, his voice heating up again. "My names Angelo." "This guy just saved our life." I told them. "I could have taken him on easily." Leo said, crossing his arms. "Yea, maybe if you didn't get knocked out by him first." Zane told him. "Ha-ha, very funny." Leo gave him a cold glare. "So what are we waiting For?" David asked. "For his friends." I nodded at Angelo. "So, who are you anyways?" we all asked at separate times, staring at each other. Right before he was about to talk somebody started knocking on the door. Angelo got up and walked towards the door to open it up. "Wait!" Zane whispered. "It might be our parents." Angelo ignored his plea and opened up the door. "So what took you guys so

long?" "Hey, at least you didn't fight off the mechs." "Who is he talking to?" David asked. "I don't know, must be his friends." I replied. "Well, I guess we'll find out in a minute." Leo said. Four guys walked in the living room. "So, these

are the people from the Guardian Order." Angelo said. "This is my team."

The guy on the right stepped up. "I'm Phelix." Then the guy next to him stepped up. "I'm Artimes." Both of them had a smile on their face."And I am Centeno." The last guy stayed still. For some reason there was something about them that felt strange. "So now that we're all here can we ask a few questions?" Leo asked. "Go ahead." Replied Angelo. "OK, ill go first." I told them. "Who

are guys?" "We are The Order." Angelo said. "OK, and what is The Order?" "Its part of an elite group, designed to save and protect people." "Wow, sounds cheesy." We all looked at Leo. "What, I'm just saying." I started to finish my question. "So you guys are made, like robots?" "No, we are trained to learn to control our powers." "So is that why you're here, to train us?" Zane asked. "Mostly, but that's not all." answered Artimes. "Then what's the other part?" "We're sorry, we can't say." "Your parents are home." "Wait, how do you know?" Leo asked. We looked outside to see that Zane's and Leo's parents really were home. "We will meet again soon." "Wait!" We all yelled at the

same time. But when we looked back at the living room, they were gone without a trace.

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