Chapter 9

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"Where are you going?" Leo caught my attention before I went out the door. I looked over to see the T.V. on and Leo looking right at me. "I'm gonna try to train. You should do the same thing." Leo chuckled and looked straight back at the T.V. "Train for what? People trying to kill us." "Yes, exactly that." I told him. "You didn't hear what Kapas told me and Michael. And besides, the guy who saved us said that they would come back for us." "Who, Angelo and his friends." Leo said in a sarcastic tone. "Yes, we need to be ready when they come again." "How do you know they are coming back." Leo stood up from the couch and looked straight at me. "How do you even know their real? This could all be

a joke as far as you know. So why are you so confident they're come back." "You wanna know why I am? You felt exactly the same way I did when you met Angelo and his friends. You felt like they could teach you something big, and answer all your question. So when you can tell me you cant trust them, come talk to me." I slammed the door shut on the way out. "I need to find a river." I told myself. If I needed to train then there has to be water. After walking deep into the forest I could finally hear the sound of water rushing by. "At

last." I dropped my bag down and headed for the river. "Well, lets see what I can do." What ever had happened yesterday, I needed to repeat. My tried to stay still, but the winter air was chilling my body. Although I stayed, I didn't move. If my power was going to work, i need to concentrate. I raised my eye up, seeing if anything was happening. I sighed and laid my arms down. I put my hand in the water, even if it was freezing, it had to be done. I imagined water forming around me hand. Every time that I thought I had, I lifted my hands out of the liquid to see if anything was there. Nothing. I must've had done this for an hour at least. I did it until my hand could take it anymore and if I had stuck one more time in the water, my hand would fall off. I waited 5 minutes for my hand to warm back up before I tried it one last time. This had to work. I slowly lifted my hand up, expecting something. I got a glimpse of water surrounding my hand.

"I thought I would find you here." I knew that voice. I lost my concentration and the water splashed into the river. I sighed and stood up. "So have you found an answer yet?" Leo walked up in front of me "No, I think we need to find some shelter before it starts to rain." It was cold enough for it to be winter and yet not enough for it to snow all the time. The sky was getting dark and

the wind was picking up. "Yea, your right. Follow me." We started walking into forest and away from the river. "Where are we going?" Leo said behind me. "I saw a when I came out here." "Well let's hope you can find it before it starts storming." As as Leo said that I saw the cave. "C'mon, I found it." Right when we entered inside it started pour down the rain. "Wow, we were in luck that you found the cave in time." Leo me on the back. "Well it's no use anyways, I can't see a thing." "Stand back then." walked away from him. "What do you plan on doing?" I asked. "Be quiet, I can't do when your talking." I shut my mouth when he said that. Leo put his hands together and left a big opening in the middle of it. I saw something small but bright forming in the middle. "Almost there." Leo muttered. The light kept on getting bigger until it was the size of an apple. Leo pulled his hand away held up the hand that had the light in it. "You made fire, in your hand." I was so shocked to see what he did. The whole cave was

bright now when I looked around. "But how did you do it, wouldn't it burn you." "That's what I first thought to." Leo smiled. "But I just concentrated on it and the flame just came to me." He looked straight at me. "You can do the same thing." "Yea, I highly doubt I can do that with fire." Leo gave me a frown. "You know what I mean, when I found you, I saw water all over your hand. You had to concentrate on it to make it like that." I tried to find a rock so I could sit down. "Yea, I concentrated and I felt like the water come over

my body." A thought just came over me. "Hey, where did David go?" I asked. "Oh, he's inside, he thought i was crazy to come get you since it was about to rain." "What day is it anyways?" Leo thought for a second or two. "Saturday." He finally said. My stomach turned at that. "So we gotta go back tomorrow?" "Yep" Leo answered. "There was a reason I came to find you." I could hear Leo's voice getting more sincere. "What did you want to talk about then?" "I'm sorry for what I said back there. I didn't mean to say I didn't trust them, it's just big for me to take in." "It's OK, you don't think it's big for me to take in either." "Then what makes you keep on believing in this, what makes you keep on going?" I knew what I wanted to say but it took me a second to say out loud. "Michael." Leo looked at me with a confused face. "Michael? What does he

have to do with this?" "We may not know it, but Michael is always the one that knows what to do. He's always the calm one in our group. If it wasn't for him, we probably would have thought differently." Leo got up and looked outside. "Yea, your right. I always feel calm around Michael and I don't know why." "What ever is happening," I said. "We can not run away from it. You know just as well as I do that this big. Kapas even threatened our family." Leo eyebrows furrowed. "I know this is new, but we have this amazing power, we may not know how we got it, but we know what we have to do with it." Leo stayed silent. I got up and stood on the other side of the wall, looking at the rain pouring down from the sky. Every time lighting struck the ground, it only was fueling my hunger to train. We stood there for thirty minutes, not speaking a single word before the rain finally stopped. "Looks like the rain stopped." We were silent for a few seconds. Leo started to walk. "We should probably start walking, in case it starts raining again." "Yea, we'll going home

tomorrow anyways. Besides, I need to call Michael."

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